10 Foods Your Cat Will Love

10 foods your cat will love

Although the proper diet of domestic felines -whether homemade or commercial- must be defined according to their weight and age -and thinking about their nutritional needs- surely your kitten does not stop demanding some extra treats. Everything in its proper measure, and with the prior authorization of the veterinarian, we will tell you what are the foods that your cat will love to eat.

Without neglecting its diet, you can offer your kitten some tasty meals as a reward

cat eating

Although each kitten is different and not everyone likes the same, among the list that we will detail below, your cat will undoubtedly find several of his favorite “extra foods”.

Also, as you already know, your purring friend is very intelligent and has a great nose. So soon he will discover what he likes and will find the ways to let you know.

And although the idea is that you do not go out of your diet to avoid being overweight, make the calculation of the daily calories that you should eat by including a small portion of one of these foods that your cat will surely love.

Know the list of foods that your cat will love to eat

Beyond the delicatessen and treats that you can buy in the pet store and that, in general, cats love, some foods that are usually available in the pantry or refrigerator of any home, will also delight your kitten. Take note.

Assuming that these animals are carnivores, let’s start with the “dishes” that include animal protein. Here we include meat from:

  • Fish. They seem to prefer salmon, monkfish, and tuna. Don’t forget to remove the thorns.
  • Res (cow). Cut it into small portions, or give it chopped.
  • Chicken or turkey. Avoid eating the skins, which contain a lot of fat.
  • Pig. They love. And what about the ham. This explains why many commercial foods incorporate these ingredients in their formulas.

In all cases, and to avoid possible parasites, you should give your pet cooked meat.

Milk and derivatives, among the preferred options of domestic felines

In addition, among the delicacies that your cat will surely demand of you, are dairy products, which should be ingested in moderation:

  • Cheese. Especially if it is one of those hard and tasty and you provide it grated. But they are also not averse to licking a spoon or a plate of spreadable cheese. Also, in this way you are adding calcium to your diet.
  • Yogurt. Better offer the natural one, which is not flavored.
  • Milk. This is a classic. But keep in mind that it must be lactose-free to avoid causing digestive problems, especially diarrhea.

Pussycats also like cereals

Although flours and grains are not part of the natural diet of cats, the closeness to man has made them expand their food tastes over time. So do not be surprised if your kitten claims you:

  • Rice. It is also ideal to help you recover if you had a gastrointestinal problem.
  • Pastas. Give them the ones that are not stuffed and avoid accompanying them with sauces that may have harmful elements for the pussycat, such as onions.
  • Cookies. But do not abuse the sweets.

It is more difficult to find domestic cats that will go out of their way for a serving of fruits or vegetables. But that there are is true. And they eat, for example, pumpkin or watermelon.

Reward your pussycat with foods that he likes

cat eating

So now you know, you can reward your pussycat with a small portion of food outside of its usual food. It will be your cat who will let you know what his preferences are, do not hesitate.

But before adding an extra ingredient, be sure to check with your vet to see if it could harm your meowing friend.

Surely over time you will be able to make your own list of foods that your cat will love to eat without unbalancing its diet.

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