5 Big Dog Breeds

Their size may be imposing, but they are excellent companions; We inform you about some breeds of large dogs that, normally, have a calm and gentle character
5 large dog breeds

In the animal world, being big usually means imposing your presence. In the case of large dogs, this is usually true, although most of these breeds are faithful and balanced animals. Do you want to meet some of them?

Great Dane, a giant among large dogs

This breed, also known as German Mastiff – in the photo that opens this article – has its origin in Germany. It is believed that, in its origins, it was not so docile and sociable, but that successive crosses have perfected its character. Currently, it is an ideal companion animal, and is known as ‘the docile giant’ or the ‘gentle giant’.

If we talk about large dogs, the Great Dane undoubtedly stands out: between 80 and 100 centimeters in height, and with a weight that is between 50 and 100 kilograms. In depending on which cases, some specimens have reached a height of more than two meters when they are ‘standing’ or on two legs.

As we have mentioned before, its impressive size hides a friendly and docile character. It is not usually aggressive towards other dogs and, if it is raised from a puppy, it is a fantastic companion for the whole family.


The origin of this breed is in Newfoundland, in present-day Canada. The inhabitants of this region used them as working dogs, which helped in fishing. Its ability to swim was later discovered, and today it is one of the favorite breeds in water rescue tasks. 

Large dogs: Newfoundland

Without a doubt, this breed has earned its reputation among large dogs: males can measure up to 90 centimeters to the withers, and weigh approximately 60 kilograms. The coat of the Newfoundland is resistant to water and its coloration varies; black fur is the most common, however. Like the previous breed, these animals have a calm and loyal character.

The Neapolitan Mastiff, an icon of large dogs

One of those breeds that stand out unmistakably for their appearance. This animal is descended from the huge Tibetan Mastiffs, and there are numerous historical records that mention them as dogs of war or fighting. The Campania region was one of the most active breeding areas for this breed.

Large dogs: Neapolitan Mastiff

With a height of between 60 and 70 centimeters, and a weight that is around 85 kilograms on average, the Neapolitan Mastiff stands out for the enormous amount of skin that covers its body. This feature is accentuated on the head, where numerous skin folds appear.

This breed has well earned its reputation as a watchdog, but if properly trained and educated, it can be a loyal and balanced companion.

Saint Bernard

We have to travel to the Swiss Alps and northern Italy to find the origin of this breed. Their exploits as rescue and rescue dogs in mountainous areas are well known, although they are also excellent cattle herders.

Large dogs: Saint Bernard

The Saint Bernard is between 65 and 75 centimeters tall – the females are somewhat smaller – and weighs up to 80 kilograms. His calm and peaceful character contrasts with his appearance, no doubt. And they are strong and muscular animals, but tame; yes, it requires large spaces to live. There are two varieties depending on the length of its coat.

Irish wolfhound

If we talk about height, the Irish Wolfhound can compete for the title of champion. This breed comes from Ireland, and its origin dates back to the sighthounds that the Celts used for hunting. 

Large Dogs: Irish Wolfhound

Their height is impressive – up to 100 centimeters at the withers – and they weigh between 45 and 55 kilograms. Despite these data, the Irish Wolfhound is slender, and has a strong and very hard coat. Once again, we highlight that the appearance of this breed hides an extremely docile character: it is balanced and has a lot of attachment to the smallest of the house.

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