5 Things Puppies Still Can’t Do

Puppies still do not know how to do things that adult specimens do by themselves, hence you have to arm yourself with patience to educate them
5 things puppies still can't do

Many people, when they want to have a dog, adopt a puppy. They are fun, they are adorable and very sociable. However, there are things that puppies still don’t know how to do. Take them into account to be able to educate him at his own pace.

Things puppies still can’t do

Dog puppies are adorable, they are gentle and they are very active. Many people, when they want to incorporate a dog into their family, opt for a puppy. However, such a young dog still does not respond to orders and must be taught everything: from sleeping without disturbing to sitting.

But not only the puppy does not understand orders yet. There are certain skills that you haven’t learned yet because you are too young. Therefore, if you want to start his education, you must take into account these things that the puppy does not yet know how to do.

1. Stay alone

Until the dog arrived at your house, it had always been accompanied, by its mother or by its brothers. Arriving at a strange house and staying alone may be something that you are not yet ready to face.

Staying alone is more than leaving home to work and the dog staying home waiting hours for you to come back. It is also being alone in a room for a while, and it is also spending the night. Many people lock up puppies overnight, but it can be a situation they still can’t control.

Leaving a puppy alone

Puppies learn to stay alone with age. As they get older, they are a little more independent and want to explore without being attached to their human family. We can also teach them to stay alone by making brief outings from home or encouraging them to play in an empty room, but this learning must be done little by little.

2. Control the force of the bite

Puppies are still unable to control their strength, and many are not aware that their little teeth can do harm. In addition, they explore the world thanks to their mouth, so for a while they will play with us and with objects until they hurt us or destroy everything.

Normally, they learn quickly to control their strength: they do it by playing with their brothers or with other puppies. They practice biting each other and test where the acceptable limit for biting is. If your puppy has not learned to do it with other puppies, he will learn it little by little.

Dog bites while playing

Give him chew toys knowing that he will destroy them – he will learn not to break everything with practice. If he also wants to play with you, stop the game when he is going to hurt you: he will see that with those manners he cannot continue playing. You will soon learn to control yourself.

3. Don’t get overexcited

Just as adult dogs are often lazy, and the older they get the more they appreciate tranquility, puppies at the moment do not know how to refuse excitement. In a house that is excited or has many annoyances, such as loud television, visitors or children playing, an adult dog will be able to decide when he is getting too excited and will go to relax.

It is another thing that puppies still do not know how to do: they like excitement, excitement and noise, and they do not know how to put an end to it. In this way, if you do not control when the puppy has had enough emotions for a day, you will end up with an overexcited puppy unable to relax or rest.

4. Concentrate

When we have a new puppy we are eager to teach him commands: sit, paw, roll or bring things. However, the puppy may not yet be ready to learn: concentrating and paying attention to what we want to teach it takes effort.

Puppies’ brains are not yet ready to focus on the same task for more than a couple of minutes. It is physiologically impossible for them: after five months they should be able to concentrate enough to learn simple commands. Before that time your training may not work.

5. Control sphincters

When the vet finishes with the vaccination schedule, and gives you permission to take the puppy outside, you will want your puppy to relieve himself outside the home. However, even if you both put a lot of will into him, he still may not be ready to perfectly control his bowel movements.

Of course, you can start teaching him to relieve himself on the street, but this skill does not happen overnight: you will need a few weeks and some patience for him to master his toilet training.

When we bring a new puppy home we are eager to teach him things and make him a ‘perfect’ dog. However, we must bear in mind that there are things that puppies still do not know how to do, because their body is so young that it is not prepared. With a little patience and time, you will achieve your goals.

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