6 Amazing Things You Never Knew Dogs Could Do

They amaze us every day for their intelligence, their unmatched love and their company … But did you know that dogs also do amazing things every day without you noticing?
6 amazing things you never knew dogs could do

Dogs are amazing; There’s no doubt. But if you were still not sure of his ‘superpowers’, we recommend that you read this article. We show you different things more than amazing that dogs can do without problems.

Amazing things dogs do

No need to convince anyone … Dogs are the best in the world! They accompany us, they take care of us, they give us unconditional love, and they can also do certain things that make them exceptional beings:

1. They pay attention to you if you speak like an adult

When we come across a dog, be it ours, someone else’s or unknown, we can’t help it … We start talking like a baby! We change our tone of voice and use diminutive words.

From now on you will not do it anymore or you will avoid making a fool of yourself with the dog. That’s right, because dogs behave according to what they hear. And if you talk ‘funny’ to them they will not pay attention or pay attention to you. They think they are not referring to them and turn a ‘deaf ear’ to your words. It does not matter if it is a Poodle or a Great Dane, it will act the same way.

2. Recognize the changes in your face

You don’t have to talk to them then. With moving the eyes, the lips or the expression, for them it is enough. Dogs can recognize when a person is happy, angry or tired just by looking at their face.

Feeling of injustice in dogs

So when your pet misbehaves and you give him an ‘accusing look’, he will automatically realize that he did something wrong and will hide or apologize in his own way. And it is not out of remorse, since it lacks that emotion, but because it reacts in this way every time it recognizes anger on its owner’s face.

3. They laugh

Surely you have seen many videos or images in which dogs give a big smile and you have thought why your pet does not do the same (or you have not discovered it yet).

You should know that dogs laugh for different reasons than humans. For example, to ask their owners to pay attention and give them affection. Even if you see that he has a smile on his face, perhaps it may be because he is anxious or needs to calm down.

4. They manipulate you

If you thought that only Shrek’s cat was capable of putting those ‘poor thing’ eyes, and getting what he wants, it’s because you don’t have a dog at home. Dogs are perfect actors and they know how to manipulate us!

Dogs are more than cunning and they know the weaknesses of each member of the family. Do you want food, a toy, a belly rub, or get on the bed? They will do whatever it takes to get it! Even ask the owner to grant your wish, because they remember how it has been in the past. If you give him from your plate, but your partner does not, the next time he wants food, he will go straight to you.

5. Lick to show affection

Dogs have different ways of saying that they love us, but without a doubt licking is the most used. Just as mothers use their tongues to clean their puppies, other dogs when they grow up use this attitude to express that they like to be by our side.

They probably want to lick your face, but they can also lick other parts of your body, like your arms or even your feet. And for them it is also a way to calm down and feel comforted by the contact with their owner!

6. They imitate our personality

Surely you know the saying: “dogs look like their owners.” And we don’t just mean something physical, but also personality. They can acquire various traits from the people with whom they have most contact due to the fact that humans transmit them from anxiety to calm.

For this reason, perhaps if you are back and forth at home, or with a lot of problems, your pet will misbehave and want to attract attention. But if you find yourself relaxed drinking tea on the sofa, he will lie at your feet and sleep peacefully.

Did you know all these dog skills? There is no doubt that they are wonderful beings, who changed our lives forever.

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