6 Ways To Rest In Dogs

These pets inherited from the wolves the great number of hours that they sleep, not only at night, but throughout the day; in total, about 20 hours a day, in which they can adopt various postures
6 ways to rest in dogs

Animals have an anatomy that allows them to assume different postures to rest or sleep. But what is the form of rest in dogs? In addition, as time passes and according to age, their preferences vary.

When they are lactating, the members of the litter group together and thus maintain body heat. In addition, the versatile puppies lie on their backs or are placed in hilarious positions.

As they grow up they will be much more practical about it; their postures will be consistent with their state of mind, level of alertness and environmental circumstances. Throughout its life, the healthy dog ​​will develop versatility in its body and will assume all the postures that nature allows and that are necessary for its survival and well-being.

The importance of rest in dogs

The biology that dogs inherited from wolves determines that they rest frequently. Even many times a day. As a puppy, they sleep up to 20 hours, as an adult about 13, and in old age they again average 20 hours.

The adult sleeps about eight hours at night and also takes several restorative naps during the day. At its deepest level, dogs achieve REM sleep just like humans.

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It is important that the dogs have their own resting place and that it is adequate, that is, comfortable and according to their size. Climate changes should be considered to prevent the animal from experiencing excessive heat or cold.

Man’s best friends are social animals, they do not like to be alone, so they will always seek to accompany us in their moments of rest and sleep.

The training of domestic animals, and especially dogs, emphasizes obedience when ordered to assume certain body positions. The first instructions are aimed at teaching him to sit and lie down; then they will be able to take more complex orders.

This article lists and explains six forms of rest in dogs. They are the most common postures or body positions, not the only ones.

Positions that are adopted as forms of rest in dogs


In the classic sitting position, the front legs of the dog are straight and the back legs are bent and relaxed on the floor. The back of your perineum and hip bone rest on the surface. In another variant, the hind legs are more flexed and supported, ready for a rapid incorporation of the animal.

Sitting labrador retriever

Sternal lying (prone position)

The dog lies on the sternum and reflects a certain level of alertness; elbows and sternum rest on the floor. It is possible to alternate between the head upright, or the lower part of the snout lying down; this way it makes a short break and can be incorporated quickly.

Postures in dogs

In another variation, the back legs rest fully flat on the floor, as well as the dog’s belly. Sometimes it does it to cool off and it is more common in puppies than in adults.

Side lying

This is another of the forms of rest in dogs. It is the typical position of lying on either side for complete rest and even to fall asleep. In this situation it is prone to reach REM sleep level.

Dog reception: protective

Sternal lying more lateral

In this position the front legs rest completely on the ground, as well as the sternum, and its rear part on the lateral femur. In this way, he is in a situation of rest, but alert.

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Lying on the back (supine position)

Lying on the back with the legs open and the belly exposed, it is a posture that the dogs assume to cool themselves through the belly ; it is more common in puppies.

Golden retriever puppies

Snuggled up

In this position you usually fall asleep and achieve REM sleep. It lies dorsally with the spine turned towards itself, in an arc, to bring the muzzle closer to its rear. In this way it gains and conserves the necessary heat to rest.

Curled up dog

These positions or postures, which are forms of rest in dogs, are not all the existing ones, but they are the most common. Just like humans , dogs acquire their own personality and for this reason they will be very particular in their attitudes.

All these resting postures can be taught to assume under orders, through proper training, either at home or with professional help.

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