7 Things To Consider When Rescuing A Cat Or Dog

When deciding to rescue a cat or dog, it is essential to be physically and mentally prepared for this moment, and to know how to act to render assistance effectively and safely.
7 things to consider when rescuing a cat or dog

Street overpopulation is a sad reality of our times, and unfortunately the numbers of abandoned animals are still growing. We will all meet an animal that needs immediate help, and this time it will be essential to know some tips when rescuing a cat or dog.

7 key tips when rescuing a cat or dog

The first thing to keep in mind is that a rescue will never be a 100% predictable experience. Each animal has its own personality and can react in different ways to attempted manipulation. We must also consider that the dog or cat may be in pain or have had negative experiences with other people.

Here, we will summarize seven things that every person should consider when restraining a cat or dog.

1. Keep calm and be patient

Since rescue is not a predictable experience, it will be necessary to remain calm so as not to add an extra dose of stress to the situation. The cat or dog is most likely afraid to approach, so patience will be essential during the rescue.

The ideal is to attract the animal with food or treats to stimulate it to gain confidence, little by little, to approach. But if the animal is weakened, we must approach slowly, without making rapid or sudden movements, and maintain a calm tone of voice.

2. Get or improvise a carrier

When the dog or cat has gained some confidence, it will be time to get him out of the unhealthy environment. For this, the ideal is to have a carrier or a cage that allows it to be transported safely.

Pet transport

If at the moment we do not have how to get this accessory, we can use a cardboard box or another firm container that can support the weight of the animal. In more urgent cases, you can even simply wrap the animal with a towel, blanket or garment for quick transport to the veterinary clinic.

Remember that the life of the animal can depend on an immediate action, and there will not always be time to look for a box or cage. The important thing is to act and remove him from the environment that threatens his well-being.

3. Take him to the vet as soon as possible

In the streets, animals are exposed to a myriad of dirt, pathogenic microorganisms, fights, contaminated food and other risks to their health. Therefore, when rescuing an abandoned or lost cat or dog, it is essential to take it to the vet as soon as possible.

The veterinary consultation should be done periodically.

If there is a possibility, the ideal is to transport the animal directly to the clinic or hospital after completing the rescue. In addition to examining him and requesting some tests to verify his health, the vet will also advise you on vaccinations and deworming.

4. A temporary home

The rescued animal will be weak and exhausted, so it will need to rest and feed to regain strength and energy. The most practical and recommended thing is for the rescuer himself to provide a temporary home for the animal, since he knows his situation perfectly.

Shelters for dogs

In case it is not possible to keep the cat or dog, it will be necessary to find a temporary home. To do this, you can consult your friends, post on social networks (there are groups dedicated exclusively to animal rescue) or go directly to a shelter.

5. Give him water and food

In addition to preparing a bed or crib where he can rest, it will also be necessary to give the rescued dog or cat food and water. If there is no commercial feed at the moment, you can prepare a homemade recipe with rice, chicken or beef and carrots, for example.

Feeding cats on the street

It may take a while for the animal to start eating, being in a totally unfamiliar environment. We should not force it to eat, but wait for it to adapt to the new environment and feel safe to eat.

6. Find out if the cat or dog has an owner

When rescuing a cat or dog we must also consider that it may have been lost, and not be abandoned. Eventually, the animals can run away from home and never make it back, so they end up wandering the streets.

dog runs away from home

Before making the decision to keep the rescued cat or dog or to put it up for adoption, it will be essential to try to find its owners. If the animal has been lost, surely its family misses it and looks for it.

7. Find a responsible owner

If the rescued cat or dog does not have a family waiting for him, the last step in your rescue will be to find him a new home. If your decision is to keep the animal, then it will be time to prepare your home to offer optimal conditions for its physical and mental development.

Adoption of a pet.

If you have decided to put the animal up for adoption, remember to choose a responsible owner who is committed to caring for it. It is also possible to ask for help from the protectors and rescue centers to find a family that will give you the necessary care and dedication.

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