7 Tips Not To Pull The Strap

7 tips so that you do not pull the strap

Walking with your dog daily, in addition to your responsibility, can be a pleasant and relaxed activity, in which you and your pet can strengthen their relationship of love and trust. But it can also turn into a real nightmare if your furry doesn’t stop jerking. We tell you what you can do so that your four-legged friend does not pull on the leash.

Your dog is not born knowing: he must learn not to jerk

It is remarkable how many dog ​​owners seem to get used to or assume that leash pulling is natural and unavoidable. They then prefer to live with this stressful situation -both for humans and dogs- instead of trying to solve it.

However, we should start from the assumption that a dog is not born knowing how to walk properly on a leash. So, this topic is essential to be included in the basic rules for your education.

And, like all training, it must be undertaken with patience, persistence, consistency and large doses of affection. This will ensure that, sooner rather than later, your dog does not pull on the leash.

Get your dog used to leash use

bull dog walking on the beach

The first thing you should achieve is that your furry friend manages to associate the leash with a positive experience. How to do it? Ideally, he should get used to using this accessory since he is a puppy. But if you adopt an adult dog, don’t worry. You are always on time to learn something new.

So, start by leashing your dog indoors, while you play with him and reward and compliment him on his good behavior.

Likewise, even if the animal is already used to the leash, it is convenient that before going out into the street it has had a previous section of games. This way you will face the most relaxed walk and will have expended a good dose of energy. This will surely take away your desire to jerk around quite a bit.

If you want your pet not to pull on the leash, neither do you

An important issue is that you do not give in to the temptation to pull on the leash either. If the two of them fall into the tug of war, they will never come to fruition. Your furry can get stressed or hurt and that is not the idea.

You must face the walks with tranquility and security. Show your dog that the one holding the reins – in this case the leash – is literally you.

When the dog jerks, it is best to stop the march until it calms down or change the direction of travel. If you can manage to calm him down, and even get him back on track, flatter his behavior and reward him with a food he likes.

Remember that Positive Reinforcement always gives good results when educating your pet. On the contrary, punishments and mistreatment only complicate matters further.

More tips to avoid pulling

walk your dog

Other points to take into account to ensure that the furry does not pull the leash are :

  • Walk at a good pace. Since dogs tend to walk faster than people, if you go too slow they may get anxious and start pulling.
  • Allow your furry dog to do normal things for his species during the walk : sniff, urinate in the trees or interact with other dogs.
  • Choose the right strap. Or maybe the right harness. This will depend on the size, strength and personality characteristics of the furry. In this case, seek professional help for advice on selecting the best accessory.
  • You should never go outside if you notice that your furry is upset or anxious. Better wait for it to calm down. A good trick may be not to let him know that the time for the ride is near. This way you will surely be able to lower your anxiety levels.
  • Treat it with affection without neglecting firmness. In this way you will get him to feel safe with you, leaving aside anxieties and possible fears.

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