Do You Want A Cat That Doesn’t Shed?

Whether it is a ‘bald’ feline or not, there are several breeds that do not shed their hair, with different types of character depending on the preference at the time of adoption
Do you want a cat that does not shed hair?

One of the things that puts many back when adopting a cat is the large amount of hair they shed. If it has happened to you, or you are going through that moment right now, would you like to know a breed of cat that does not shed? Well here you have several.

Know a breed of cat that does not shed

Surely a copy has already come to your head when thinking about cats that do not shed hair. Look at this list to see if it is among them.

Sphinx cat

Surely you already know this breed of cat, with Egyptian features and without a single hair on its body. Of course, it plays with the disadvantage of not being very graceful, although for many this is what gives it a special charm. They say that to taste the colors … Look at the photo above and judge for yourself.

Despite its robust and arrogant appearance, it is an ideal animal to have as a pet, very affectionate with children and the rest of the family. What is on your skin is a soft layer of fluff that is almost imperceptible and that if it falls, it does not leave any trace. If you want an independent but affectionate cat at the same time, and that also does not shed hair, this will be the ideal to be your new pet.

Cornish rex

Although this breed has hair, it is short and curly, and it happens like many breeds of dog, that instead of shedding hair, they will become tangled. This makes brushing time very important and must be done often. Because this soft layer of hair is very close to your skin, it won’t leave any residue anywhere.

Cornish rex: origin

It has a lot of energy, so you will have to spend time playing with it ; In addition, he is extremely affectionate and you will enjoy very pleasant and fun times. An ideal pet to be with the family, also with children, and that … It also does not shed hair!


He is a mix between Siamese and Burmese, and if there is something about his personality that stands out, it is his good memory. They are very affectionate and playful, and they are not shy at all. The moment he meets you, you will have a friend forever.

Cat that does not shed hair: tonkinese

When you see it for the first time it will give you the feeling that it is impossible for this cat not to shed hair, but that’s right, they have no tendency to do so, so you can be completely calm.

Devon rex

This breed has hair, but it is sparse, short and close to the skin. It does not have a tendency to shed it, so it is perfect for those looking for a breed of cat that does not shed. Its fur bears a slight resemblance to that of the cornice rex, although it has much more fur. It seems almost impossible to determine where the skin ends and where the hair begins.

His character is jovial, cheerful, affectionate and playful. He packs a ton of energy, so don’t be surprised if you see him running wild all over the house. He will always be asking for your attention and for you to be aware of him, and despite being a cat he does not have an independent character.

Siberian cat

The Siberian cat, known as the Siberian cat, has a lot of hair, but it does not leave it where it steps. Its fur is greasy, so it stays close to its body and does not fly off at the slightest movement as it happens with other breeds.

Siberian cat lying

This composition of his hair seems ideal for the cold climate from which it comes, since in Russia the temperatures can drop to many degrees below zero. His character is very calm, homely, familiar and affectionate. He loves being at home with his loved ones and feeling pampered and loved. 

You see that hair is no longer an excuse to have a cat. There is more than one breed of cat that does not shed and that you can have at home, enjoy your pet and not have to be cleaning all day with the vacuum cleaner.

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