What To Do If Your Dog Is Afraid Of The Vet

What to do if your dog is afraid of the vet

With few exceptions, no one likes to go to the doctor. As children we were even afraid to face the doctor, that individual in a white apron who would listen to us and make us say 33. So it is not surprising that dogs do not find it pleasant to go to a doctor’s office and that many of them directly have him fear of the vet.

Fear of the vet, a common phobia in furry dogs


This fear that some furry dogs feel towards the vet is one of the most common canine phobias. If we analyze it well, it is very logical that this happens.

They don’t usually have a good time in the office. We take them when they are sick, injured and, above all, to be pricked when they are vaccinated.

Anyway, do not despair, there are options to try to make your dog lose his fear of the vet.

Chronicle of an announced consultation

Humans tend to believe that animals have a sixth sense. But let’s not forget that dogs are also very observant.

The point is that for one reason or another, your furry dog ​​usually realizes well in advance that a visit to his doctor awaits him. And most likely, you are giving yourself away with your attitudes.

So you better try to turn the situation around so that your pet does not notice the play in advance and thus the trip to the office is not so traumatic.

How to try to make your dog lose his fear of the vet

A dog with a fear of the vet seeks to hide, barks and growls and may even relieve itself in the waiting room or while being treated. Others, on the other hand, may remain petrified.

But how to avoid this fear that your pet feels every time he visits his doctor ? Try the following options:

  • Go with your furry to the office just to say hi to the vet. This way, the little animal will become familiar with the place and will not associate it with something negative.
  • Reward your furry for his good behavior every time he goes to a consultation. On the other hand, ignore the bad behaviors he may have. Positive reinforcement is always your great ally, don’t forget it.
  • Get your pet used to being handled. Thus, when the professional must review it, the situation will not be so strange or uncomfortable.
  • As much as possible, stay with your dog while he is being searched. This way you will feel more secure.

More tricks to prevent your furry from feeling fear

Other issues to take into account so that your dog loses its fear of the vet are:

  • If it is a routine visit to the professional, the ideal is that you first take your furry dog ​​for a long walk and enjoy a good session of games. This will make you more tired at the office and put up less resistance.
  • Avoid getting tense before the fear and resistance that your pet offers to attend the consultation. If you are relaxed, you will transmit calm to your furry. Otherwise, you will upset it even more.
  • Pet him and give him a massage to soothe him before embarking on the journey to the office.
  • Don’t put him in a car just to take him to the vet. This will help you navigate the journey to your appointment with a little less anxiety.

Patience and perseverance to make your dog lose his fear of the vet

vet and dog

Also consider evaluating a change in vet. Maybe starting from scratch again and using the tricks mentioned here will make things work better.

In addition, it is important that the professional and your pet empathize. It’s a great way to make things easier in the office.

But if after all these attempts you cannot make your furry begin to lose his fear of the vet, you may have to schedule home visits, at least until with patience and affection you can gradually remove his fears.

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