Physical Activities For Animals That Will Keep Your Pet In Shape

Physical exercise is the key to getting your pet to have a healthy lifestyle
Physical activities for animals that will keep your pet in shape

With the arrival of good weather, the range of physical activities for animals that you can enjoy with your pet expands. Explore these five possibilities that we offer you in this article:

Warm-up exercises for you and your dog

If before a marathon we have to dedicate at least 15 minutes to warm-up exercises, our animal also needs about 10 minutes to prepare its muscles before a good race. Follow these simple steps to avoid potential injury:

  • Place your dog’s leash on your right hand and ensure that the distance between your body and your dog’s does not exceed half a meter. Once this is done,  walk briskly to one side for two minutes, turn around and walk to the other for another two minutes. Repeat this sequence about four times.
  • After the four reps, pick up your pace to a light jog or sprint and keep walking back and forth for two minutes each set.
  • To exercise your shoulders with your dog,  get him to stay still at one point while you circle him. To exercise those of your dog, the laps will be given by him.

Go for a walk with the dog

Exercises and physical activities for your animals

A healthy lifestyle does not go through just pushing yourself a couple of days a week. A little exercise every day is preferable to concentrating the entire physical activity of the animal in two too intense sessions. Follow these routines with your pet:

  • Dust off your bike and go pedaling with your dog. Although this type of exercise cannot be done by all dogs, and it is dangerous to go out with your dog on a bicycle in the city, a trained and calm dog can benefit from that half hour of exercise as much as its owner.
  • Going out with inline skates  will make walks with your pet that much more fun. Of course, if you have a large dog, be very careful with the jerks.
  • Classic ball games are still a physical exercise that both owners and animals can easily carry out, whether in an urban or rural environment.
  • The  games agility, which can even bring pets to compete in contests, encourage animals physically and mentally. There are various associations that offer spaces dedicated to this sport.

Agility with border collie

With smaller dog breeds, there is the possibility of doing physical activities for animals even indoors. For instance:

  • Encourage your dog to go up and down the stairs. It is an easy way to exercise their muscles without leaving the house, although care must be taken with breeds with short limbs, such as small hounds or corgis, as they can easily end up injuring themselves.
  • Playing hide and seek can be physically and mentally challenging, as well as being the perfect entertainment for a rainy day.
  • If you have a treadmill at home, you can train your dog to run on the treadmill  and accompany you in your exercise sessions at home.

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