Effects Of The Sun On Your Cat’s Skin

Although it is true that thanks to the sun’s rays the metabolism of living beings helps to synthesize vitamin D, and thus the assimilation of calcium, excessive exposure can cause negative effects on the skin
Effects of the sun on your cat's skin

Cats love being in the sun and having a good nap in a very warm place. Of course, owners also like to observe their kittens in a state of relaxation and enjoyment, but it is essential to be attentive to the effects of the sun on your cat’s skin.

Benefits of sunlight for our pets

The sun also offers benefits not only for the skin, but also for the entire organism of our pets. In reality, the sun’s rays allow the existence of all forms of life that inhabit our planet. In addition, they play a fundamental role in the metabolism of living beings, including ours and that of our pets.

For example: our bodies would not be able to synthesize vitamin D without the influence of solar radiation.  Vitamin D (or calciferol) is essential for the absorption of calcium and the formation of bone structures; vitamin D deficiency often causes osteoporosis, rickets, and other musculoskeletal diseases.

Cat in the sun

This does not mean that the sun provides vitamin D to felines, but rather that it allows its proper absorption by the body. All kittens should have sources of vitamin D and essential nutrients in their diet. To guarantee a complete and balanced nutrition to your kittens, it is best to consult our trusted veterinarian.

Harmful effects of the sun on your cat’s skin

When the sun’s rays reach your cat’s skin, a part of them is reflected and another is absorbed. The absorbed rays penetrate through the epidermis and are transmitted to the deeper areas of the skin. At that time, they trigger a series of biochemical reactions that interfere with cell structure and metabolism.

In moderate exposure, the effects of the sun on your cat’s skin are usually very beneficial for their health. But excessive exposure to solar radiation can cause severe damage to their cellular components, leaving them more vulnerable to numerous diseases.

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The risks

Here’s a summary of your cat’s risks from excessive sun exposure.

  • Burns

Burns are probably the most immediate and visible damage to your cat’s skin from the sun. Pussycats can suffer superficial or deep burns, depending on the degree of damage to the epidermis and dermis. Logically, superficial burns are more easily treated and have a better prognosis.

In the case of deep burns, they are very alarming and carry a high probability of secondary bacterial infections. Therefore, when observing any alteration in your cat’s skin, remember to immediately consult your vet.

  • Solar or actinic dermatitis

The first symptoms of solar dermatitis in cats consist of inflammation of the areas that were exposed to the sun. In this case, we will see that the skin is red as a result of irritation. Hair loss is also very frequently observed, leaving the skin more exposed and sensitive.

When the exposure is prolonged, we see that the inflammation intensifies and the redness is more noticeable. At this stage, scabs and blisters may appear on the skin, causing intense itching. If the animal scratches and causes a wound, its body is more vulnerable to various infections.

  • Skin cancer

Skin cancer is caused by the abnormal growth of malignant tumor cells. Among the possible causes of this malignant mutation we find chronic damage to cellular components due to excessive exposure to solar radiation.

Fortunately, malignant skin tumors are relatively rare in cats, but effective preventive measures are essential to prevent cancer in our kittens. For this reason, it is very important to use sunscreen for our kittens, before letting them be exposed to radiation.

It must be remembered that white cats are more vulnerable to the damage of excessive exposure to solar radiation. Low or no melanin content makes your skin absorb more of the sun’s rays. As a result, your cells can be damaged more easily, increasing your risk of developing skin cancer.

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