How To Train A Dog To Relieve Himself In The Street

How to train a dog to relieve itself on the street

This is not an easy task and there are many myths about how to do it. The truth is that dogs need a bit of patience when it comes to relieving themselves, because unlike cats, they are not satisfied with you putting a litter box in them.

If you want your dog to relieve himself in the street and also that teaching this does not traumatize him and is a pleasant experience for him, you must forget the myths that only manage to traumatize the animal.

Myths about toileting that you should reject

scared dog

  • Scrub the newspaper. There are many who say that passing a newspaper for his needs and then rubbing it down his snout is the most effective way to teach him to relieve himself where we want. That’s a lie! This action can traumatize the animal, in addition to being able to damage its nostrils and even create a disease with its own excrement.
  • Spank him when he doesn’t do it where we want. When the dog does not relieve himself where his owners want, many say that spanking him while saying “not here”, “here” is the best method. Lie! The animal is a baby, it doesn’t even know what it is here or there.
  • Leave it on the terrace all the time. Others think that if the animal lives on the terrace, it will get used only to relieve itself there. The truth is that the moment you allow him to enter the house, he can choose “his territory” because the terrace is already his and the rest will be new for him. On the other hand, the animal can be hot or cold on the terrace, and why do you want a pet if you cannot enjoy it?

How to teach your dog to relieve himself on the street

Once the myths have been identified and rejected, let’s learn how to teach our dog to relieve himself in the street in a way that is pleasant for the animal and that reveals the love we profess for it.

  • Diary paper. This will be useful to put it in the place of the house that we want the dog to relieve itself while it gets used to the routines of the walks. Think that puppies pee more than an adult dog, so even if they do in the street, it will be normal that they sometimes escape at home, because they do not have control of their bladder.

To achieve this, you must be alert to your dog’s movements. You will see that normally, a dog wants to relieve itself about twenty minutes after eating. Put the newspaper in the place you want your animal to go and when you see that it wants to relieve itself, pick it up and carry it to the paper. After several times, the animal will understand that this is “its bath.” Do not forget to congratulate him.

dog needs

  • The training towels. You can find diaper- like towels in pet stores that are impregnated with a special smell that dogs recognize as a pleasant place to relieve themselves.
  • Establish routines. These routines should be established both for eating and for going out. The dog should eat every day at the same times, so you will have easy to know when you should take him for a walk, which will also have to happen at the same times each day. In this way, you will promote their growth and it will be easier for you to teach them to relieve themselves on the street.
  • Don’t punish him. If on any occasion, your pet’s needs escape in the wrong place, do not punish him or yell at him. The animal will believe that it has done something horrible and the next time it will hide to do it or will try to hold it, which may affect its health.

    Remember that until the vaccination period is over, a puppy will not be able to go outside, so you will have to settle for your new friend to relieve himself at home for now. However, establish your eating routines from now on so that later everything will be easier for you. As always, we tell you: with love, perseverance and affection, you can have a well-behaved and happy dog.

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