Dogs Know How To Distinguish Between People In Mourning

Dogs know how to distinguish people in mourning

One of the most painful situations in life is the mourning that is felt after the loss of a loved one, since this represents an adversity that is difficult to overcome. Although it seems impossible to believe, it is in these moments where dogs are more unconditional than ever, due to their surprising way of perceiving this delicate emotional state.

Thus, man’s best friend can feel when we suffer an emotion or feeling that causes us pain, which helps to understand and help us more than many people.

This is a fact that many are surprised, since there are people who find it unusual that a canine can easily determine details as complex as these. To elaborate a little more, we will answer below some of the most outstanding questions on this topic.

How can a dog distinguish mourning?


For many years, there have been voices that claimed that some animals could relate to humans in such a way that they could perceive their emotions and moods. However, these opinions were constantly discredited, lacking a scientific study that gave them maximum credibility.

Recently, these theories were validated as true, after some research and experiments carried out by the Department of Psychology at the University of Goldsmiths, determined that indeed, as many took for granted, canines can know how we feel.

Experiments to test your attitude

The experiment consisted of studying the attitudes of dogs to photographs of known and unknown people. Those in which an angry or crestfallen face was seen, the canine seemed to show much less enthusiasm, compared to those where the person appeared smiling, which determines that they see serious attitudes as negative.

On the other hand, a procedure was carried out with 18 canines of different races and ages, in which they had to see their owners interact with other people. When they simulated a cry, the dogs showed greater attention than when they talked, a fact that reached the point of seeing these four-legged friends approach the person who was crying.

Given the latter, university scientists came to the conclusion that dogs know how to differentiate a humming from a cry, which determines their ability to distinguish different moods of people.

In the same way, they determined that dogs show solidarity and try to console their owners when they suffer adversities such as sadness, depression or mourning, so the difference that exists in their reactions to a word or a sigh should not be to a simple chance.

How does a canine act when its owner is in mourning?

sad dog

Dogs are very sensitive beings who know how to express each of their moods. If you feel bad, they will also feel this way for noticing the hard time you are living.

In these types of situations, they intensify the gestures of affection that they usually have, in order to make you feel better and in company. The most common example is the way they stay by your side constantly, even when you don’t pay attention or want to pet them.

Another recurring example is his way of being aware of your every move and following you anywhere. Likewise, it is normal for them to seek physical contact, since for them, that is their way of telling you that they love you, that they understand you and that they will help you overcome this difficult stage.


When you mourn it is understandable that nothing excites you and that for a while you feel sad. Even though you think that no one can understand the pain you are going through, your canine will be able to see it in you and will help you recover.

These beautiful four-legged friends will always be there when we need them the most.

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