8 Jokes About Pets

8 jokes about pets

Pets and their owners develop a relationship of love, joy and tenderness. Among other things, whoever has a pet is no longer alone.

Having a pet generates an increase in self-esteem in the owner. This occurs because the dedication that is put into caring for a pet makes people feel useful and necessary.

Animals also make a great contribution to the learning process of children. It develops in them important sensations, such as respect for what is different and for life. On the other hand, create in the little ones a sense of responsibility that will serve them at all stages of their life.

Pets also promote sociability. By having a pet you get to know other people. Suddenly the circle of acquaintances transcends to develop new friendships.

When there is love, jokes and jokes about pets and animals arise. There is empathy with the subject and it is easier to laugh about familiar subjects.

Something fundamental is that pets intervene in improving the mood of their owners. Each new grace, each trick or each approach touches and brings joy. Laughing and joking about pets is a healthy pastime and it will not go out of style.

The best jokes about pets

1.- The lizard and the dog

 In the middle of the field, a lizard passes by and, when a dog crosses, says:

– How are you doing, flea bag?

To which the dog responds with great agility:

– I’m doing very well, handbag!

Family of lizards on a branch

2.- The dog and the two little fleas

Two fleas were late coming home and the following is heard:

– Do you think if we jump or wait for the next dog?

3.- Pets and the future

 A son asks his father:

– Dad, Dad: What will the factories look like in the future?

– The father responds: I don’t know very well, but I can tell you that in the future the factories will have only two employees.

– Two employees? Asks the boy.

– Yes son. Two. A man and a dog. The man who will feed a dog so that the dog prevents anyone from pressing a button.

4.- Two Galicians and a duck

After a whole day in the field, a couple of Galicians return home and someone asks them:

– How was the hunt?

– Nothing, we couldn’t catch any ducks.

– But the field is full of ducks!

– The Galicians look at each other and one says to the other: You see? I told you we should throw the dog much higher!

5.- The ducks and the river

Being on the banks of a river a man asks another:

– Do you know if the river is high? Can I pass without difficulty?

The other man, who is on the other shore, tells him that yes, the river is not deep.

In this way, the first man goes into the river with great confidence, but immediately sinks and almost drowns.

Once safe he says to the other man: I could almost kill myself! You told me that there would be no problem crossing and that the water would not cover me! And he replied:

– Excuse me! But I could almost swear that a few minutes ago I saw a duck passing by the river and the water was not covering it.

6.- The Wonder Dog

The owner says, very proud:

– If my dog ​​wants it, dance like in a circus. When the puppy wants it, he can look for the newspaper. If my puppy wants it, he sings like Pavarotti.

– Are you sure?

– Yes! The problem is that until now he has never wanted!

Person kissing his dog

7.- The dog and the drill

 – What is that dog doing with that drill?

– Drilling.

8.- Mad cow syndrome

– They go around saying that we are crazy.

– Do not even say it. I am a dog.

9.- An intelligent dog

The teacher asks Ana:
– Who do you think are smarter, people or pets?
Ana responds:
-The dogs, miss.
– Let’s see, why do you say it?
Luisa answers:
– When I say something to my dog, he understands everything, but when he talks to me I don’t understand him at all.

Main image source: Cody Wellons

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