Songs Dedicated To Pigeons

Poets and authors of popular themes or singer-songwriters of lesser or greater prestige have been inspired by these birds
Songs dedicated to pigeons

Although in real life they are not so idolized, columbids enjoy great prestige when it comes to inspiring artistic creations. In addition to being an undoubted symbol of peace, they are related to love and lack of love. Today in My Animals we propose you a tour of some songs dedicated to pigeons.

Selection of songs dedicated to pigeons

Great poets and authors of popular songs, going through more or less well-known singer-songwriters, have noticed these birds when writing some of their most memorable works. Our selection includes more or less popular songs but, without a doubt, they are worth stopping by, and perhaps listening to them again. Are you accompanying us on this musical flight?

The pigeon was wrong

In 1969, a young and talented Catalan singer-songwriter surprised us with some verses that said: “The dove was wrong, / she was wrong. / By going north he went south, / he believed that wheat was water. / (…) He believed that the sea was the sky / that the night was the morning. / That the stars dew, that the heat the snowfall ”.

However, Serrat is not the author of this beautiful song included in his album La Paloma . The verses correspond to nothing more and nothing less than the great Andalusian poet Rafael Alberti. And the music is by the Argentine Carlos Guastavino.

P alom a white

The Dutch musician George Baker recorded, in 1975, this song which, a year later, became a great success throughout Europe. The song is written in English, except when it repeats the expression “una paloma blanca”, in Spanish, throughout the text.

Messenger pigeon

“I am just a bird in the sky. / Over the mountains I fly. / Nobody can take my freedom ”, say some of the verses, accompanied by a catchy melody. If you want to listen to it again, or do it for the first time, here is the link.

Dove and laurel

Retumbo is an old and little spread folk musical style of Argentine and mountain origin. The composer César Isella used it to put music to the verses of the great poet Armando Tejada Gómez.

This is how this beautiful song was born, from which we share some of its verses: “A little dove / came wounded to the valleys. / Chest red / like brassite of air. (…) You must fly, / you must return / to the warm / sunset nest. / In the nest / I like to see / about the afternoon / dove and laurel ”.

-The popcorn

“In the peaks of the guava tree, / very far from the dovecote, / there was the dove / crying without resting. / Currucu currucu, / the little dove sang to him. / Currucu currucu, / that it returned to its nest ”. These are some of the verses of this song by the popular Mexican group Los cadetes de Linares .

Types of pigeons: white

The band was formed in the 1960s and is considered one of the most plagiarized in the history of regional Mexican music. Its members were changing from its origins and many of its former members took the name of the group with them.

However, it can be considered that, with the recent death of Lupe Tijerina, the last of the true Cadets left. For its part,  El palomito has almost 23 million views on YouTube. Quite a record.

-The Dove

Another of the songs dedicated to pigeons is the one composed by the British singer-songwriter Ewan MacColl, together with his wife Peggy Seeger. In the ’60s, the song was recorded by Pete Seeger (Peggy’s half-brother) and also by the American singer Judith Collins.

“The dove is a beautiful bird, it sings while it flies. / She brings us good news and does not tell us lies. / She drinks the spring waters to clarify her voice / when her nest is building and summer is near ”. The issue, with an anti-war tone, was undoubtedly a sign of the era.

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