The Grandfather Who Spends His Last Days Taking Care Of The Dogs

The grandfather who spends his last days taking care of the dogs

There have been many stories that we have told you about people who have given everything for animals. People who spend several hours a day caring for them in shelters, people who spend all their resources for them, and even those who have lost fortunes. Today we bring you a beautiful story from Argentina, a grandfather who decided to spend his last days dedicated to dogs.

This man seems to have routine movements in a coastal town called Viedma, and a boy who was watching him decided to tell his story as a letter.

His last days dedicated to animals


The letter from Pablo Cortez, the boy who observed him in his last days, read something like this:

“I like to sit and drink mate near the sunken ship (a tourist attraction in the town), and today, suddenly, I see a very old bicycle arrive with someone wearing a green vest. He was a man, I would say more like a grandfather.

In the back, he was carrying a bag of dog food. I looked at two little dogs that as soon as they saw me began to accompany me, but when the green vest arrived, they ran to meet them.

Grandpa stopped, parked his bike, opened the feed bag, and took out a serving spoon. Before letting him continue with his work, I approached him and invited him to a mate. We introduced ourselves and he told me that his name was Queravita and that he was of Italian descent.

He told me what his life was like. Every day he goes out to walk the coast when the morning has barely arrived in order to feed, as he calls them, his pichus. He spends his entire retirement feeding them and buying medicines, some of which he carries with him.

He knows the canine nature so well that he knows that if a dog does not eat in 2 days he will get distemper and that way, he can medicate it himself.

Later, he wanted to know about me, what I was doing in the place, but that was no longer important. His service overshadowed anything I did, important as it was. “

Without a doubt, this man has a big heart. He is anonymous, he is not famous or known, but as they say, “the movement is demonstrated by walking”, and his movement shows that his feelings are pure and unconditional.

Others who give their all for the animals

dog and cat with elderly person

This man who spent the last days of his life doing this is not an isolated case. Although they are the least, there are many people who give themselves unconditionally for animals. This is the case, for example, of those who offer their house as protectors.

Or those who work in shelters and NGOs that look after their good. There are still people with a big heart and good feelings who with their movements show what it is that really matters to them in life. We bring you some of these stories as a reminder:

  • The millionaire who spent everything. Wan Yan was a 29-year-old boy who had a fortune, but it disappeared. They say that money costs to arrive and it does not take long to leave. This boy lost his puppy and in his search he realized how many abandoned animals there were that needed help. Thinking that his dog might be starving or cold tore him apart, so he decided to put up a non-profit, non-profit kennel offering adoption. He invested his entire fortune in this.
  • Tekis. A man in Greece has rescued a whopping 200 abandoned dogs on the streets of his country. To think that the crisis of the state left many animals without eating, broke his heart. He quit his job and sold all his possessions to use the money to care for those most in need.

    These are just two stories of people who have done a lot for animals, but there are many more. We hope that there will be more people with such a big heart and that little by little, although there are still abandoned animals, at least they can be in better condition.

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