#Echaunapata, Instagram Campaign For Abandoned Pets

#Echaunapata, Instagram campaign for abandoned pets

We always love to tell you news like this. Talking about organizations and projects that encourage adoption or that try to improve the lives of abandoned or abused animals is great. #Echaunapata is one of them and we want you to know her.

Abandonment in Spain

The number of abandoned animals in Spain is incredibly high: 150,000 pets a year. Not long ago we were talking to you about Istanbul, where there are the same amount of cats that the citizens are in charge of feeding and caring for.

However, abandoned pets in Spain do not suffer the same fate and are simply left so that they can try to survive as they can.

The causes of abandonment in the country are different, estimating that the season with the highest number of abandonments is summer, when many animals “hinder” their owners when they go on vacation and are left to their own devices. So sad!

There have been many adoption campaigns and they work, as there are still people with good hearts willing to help these animals. However, the figure does not seem to go down.

#Echaunapata, a ray of hope for the abandoned


Social networks have greatly favored the adoption processes, since they work at the speed of lightning. Just sharing a photo is enough to have hundreds of likes and dozens of comments. Finding a pet owner can be a matter of minutes.

However, when the number of abandoned animals is so high, it seems that associations and projects dedicated to this do not give a great deal.

#Echaunapata is a campaign created by a well-known brand of pet products and has been created in order to take care of the most disadvantaged animals.

#Echaunapata has gone a step further than the organizations that share photos of abandoned animals waiting for someone to adopt them. Yes, it also shares photos on Instagram, well, rather it asks its users to do so.

That you don’t understand anything? We will tell you.

How #Echaunapata works

As we have told you, it is a campaign that a brand of pet food products has created. Well, what it does is simple. Ask all your Instagram followers to share a photo of their pet.

For each photo shared, one euro is donated in pet food that goes to associations such as ANAA and La Madrileña.

This campaign has been a success, since last year they managed to raise 7,000 euros in food thanks to the users of the social network who did not stop sharing photos of their dogs and cats.

This year they have set out to reach 10,000. Do you want to help him? It’s easy, search #Echaunapata on Instagram and send photos of your pets. Helping abandoned animals without adoption is now possible.

Abandonment, an evil impossible to eradicate?

prevent the dog from eating in the street

Dogs have gone through many stages. They were first shepherds, then guardians, and lastly pets. Despite the fact that this last facet is the one in which they are closest to people, and therefore it is when people should love them the most, the abandonment figures skyrocketed from then on.

No one ever abandoned their guard dog or sheepdog, but many do abandon their pets. And the sad thing is that the numbers go up and up instead of decreasing. The causes of this are several:

  • Not wanting responsibility. Many believe that a pet is a stuffed animal to play with, but when they see that it has other responsibilities, they discard it.
  • Old age of the animal. A bit like the previous one. As long as the puppy was healthy and pretty, everything was fine. In old age and with extra expenses it is already a nuisance.
  • Holiday. Not being able to take the dog on vacation is one of the biggest reasons for abandonment. With how simple it would be to leave it for a week in a shelter …

We hope that #Echaunapata continues to be successful and since abandonment cannot be ended for now, at least let’s take care of abandoned animals.

Source of the main image: www.chaval.es

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