Giving A Dog For Valentine’s Day: Is It A Good Idea?

Giving a dog is almost never a good idea, as it is a long-term commitment for which you have to be very well prepared.
Giving a dog for Valentine's Day: is it a good idea?

February 14 is a very important date for some people. On this day, many celebrate their love – whether recent or started decades ago – with romantic outings, gifts, details, and joint activities as a couple. It is normal that, among the most passionate, the following question arises: is giving a dog for Valentine’s Day a good idea?

This question requires many nuances and meanings, but it is at least problematic. Are you sure that your love will last as long as the life of a dog? Do you think you are ready to take responsibility for a life with your partner? In the following lines, we help you make a decision.

Can you give a dog for Valentine’s Day?

The answer, with exceptions, is the following: better not do it. Sometimes, humans believe that their social relationships are permanent, but this is not usually the case. Without going any further, in countries like Spain, 22% of relationships do not last more than 10 years. Maintaining a partner over time is undoubtedly a challenge.

Things get even worse if we go to the marital environment. In certain European regions, a total of 2 divorces are estimated for every 1000 inhabitants. In net figures, this translates into the following: up to 57% of marital unions end in divorce, depending on the country analyzed.

A puppy playing in the park

4 questions to ask yourself before giving a dog for Valentine’s Day

With this data, we do not want to break the magic of the Valentine’s date. It is simply necessary to recognize that, no matter how established a couple may seem, sometimes things go wrong. Before deciding to give a dog today, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Who will be the guardian ?: no matter how much the pet is shared, the animal’s microchip is in the name of a person, not the couple. Therefore, one of the 2 members must agree to be the legal guardian of the can.
  2. Do any of the members of the couple have experience with dogs ?: If you decide to adopt a dog with your partner at this time, it is best that one of you have enough knowledge of canine education. If this is not the case, the presence of a troublesome dog in the home can make the relationship worse.
  3. Is there enough money to support the animal ?: As cold as the question may seem, it must be asked. Keeping a dog costs an average of 1,250 euros per year.
  4. Who gets the dog if a separation occurs? This question requires extensive discussion. We address it in the next section.

The pet in divorce

Divorce is an extremely sensitive issue for all parties involved, pets included. In the event that this occurs and a dog is found, it is best to make a mutual custody agreement between both members of the former couple without having to go through the courts.

According to article 333 of the Civil Code, pets are conceived as if they were real estate and, therefore, their property can be the object of a claim by the spouses or be shared. Unfortunately, as with a car, the one who has the last word is the animal’s legal guardian, the one who adopted it in the first place.

In any case, this legislation is in the process of change. Every effort is being made to stop pets from falling into the category of real estate and, in addition, there have already been changes in laws that take into account that pets are sentient beings.

Therefore, by law you can already go to joint custody in case things get ugly. In the civil code the pertinent changes have not yet been made, but in the criminal sphere it is taken into account that these animals require special treatment under conditions of separation of property.

A dog with a rose in his mouth

It is not a gift: it is a life

Based on all the above, it is difficult to recommend anyone to give a dog for Valentine’s Day. This animal must have a permanent legal guardian, get used to a specific home and, above all, receive continuous care for an average of 10 years. Many couples do not hold out as long and the animal can suffer a lot from the separation.

In addition, it is necessary to bear in mind that not all people are prepared to adopt a dog, be it on a special date or not. If you decide to have a dog, let it be for the joy and vitality that you are going to contribute to each other in the long term, not to surprise your partner. Remember that the life of another living being is never a good gift.

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