Why Do Dogs Scratch The Sleeping Area?

The behaviors of pets attract our attention, but they usually have a biological explanation behind them. Scratching at bedtime in dogs is no exception.
Why do dogs scratch the sleeping area?

Sometimes the behavior of dogs amazes humans. Some, like why they scratch the sleeping area, are related to the animal’s sleeping habits. It can be said that they carry it encoded in their DNA and it is an ancient custom. This is due to the wild dogs digging the ground to build themselves a ‘bed’.

By building that comfortable place, they sought to rest peacefully and feel protected. However, domestic dogs do not need to build such a bed to rest.

This is not to say that they are reluctant to scratch their sleeping zone: it is inherited behavior, somewhat vestigial.

Why they scratch the sleeping area

Like humans, dogs have their own bedtime rituals. This is the main reason why it takes them so long to lie down to sleep.

First of all, they have to prepare the bed properly, following a few steps:


As already mentioned, domestic dogs are evolutionarily related to coyotes, wolves or foxes. All these wild animals dig burrows in which they raise their cubs.

Although the dog is in a comfortable and protected environment, it can scratch the sleeping area. To a large extent, it may be due to your instinct to soften or mold the mattress.

Dogs scratch the sleeping area for different reasons.


Just like their wild relatives scratch the dug area to fit their body, dogs do too. In this way, they make their rest area as comfortable as possible.

Dogs have curious rituals to soften their sleeping zone. Among them are the one to turn several times on the bed or even hit it with the head.

At other times, they can perform nesting tasks, such as collecting leaves or moss that they bring to their bedding. This may be an indication that another blanket or mattress should be added to see if the animal reduces this action.

Mark the territory

One of the characteristic features of dogs is that they are very territorial animals. For this reason, they show a characteristic behavior and carry out marking actions.

Thus, they claim all those spaces that they consider theirs. Although the most common form of marking is urine, they can also scratch the bed, scratching against it.

The reason behind this behavior is that dogs have sweat glands on their paws. Through them, they release scent, with which they mark their sleeping area.

Control the temperature

Another explanation for why they scratch the sleeping area may be due to temperature. It is more common if the animal sleeps outside the house.

Some dogs prefer to dig their own sleeping holes, even if they have their own bed. The goal behind this would be to try and adapt to the climate, be it to warm up or cool down.

Get our attention

If when the dog scratches his sleeping area we pay attention to him, he can take it as a reward. It may be that the dog has learned that this behavior is positive.

In this way, he will tend to repeat it when he wants to be observed by the tutor. If you do it in a timely manner, it is not serious, but if it is habitual, it is necessary to ask yourself if there are emotional problems or interaction with the animal.

Considerations that we can take into account

Scratching the sleeping zone does not have to be a negative behavior. However, a number of considerations need to be taken into account:

  • Some breeds have a greater predisposition than others to carry out this action. Among these breeds are terriers.
  • They can learn this behavior from other dogs in the home. Puppies tend to imitate adult dogs to blend in with the group.
  • This behavior should be observed, because it can be a sign that the dog needs more attention. If your dog starts scratching carpets or bedding, stop that behavior.
  • To do this, physical activities can be performed that exhaust the pet. This way, you won’t waste energy scratching areas.
  • If the animal has its own bed, which is adapted to its size and needs, it will avoid this behavior. In the market there are several offers that are adapted to each animal.

Ultimately, dogs scratch the sleeping area due to instinct. It is a behavior acquired from their non-domestic ancestors.

Therefore, it is a normal behavior that we can observe in our pets. However, it is necessary to observe if it is accompanied by other suspicious behaviors. In that case, a specialist should always be consulted. The veterinarian will be able to adequately inform us of how to act in each case.

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