4 Things Their Owners’ Dogs Hate

4 things their owners' dogs hate

The relationship between dogs and their owners is usually characterized by the existence of a special bond that makes them unique, to the point where many times the love and respect that exists between them can only be compared to that of a mother with her child.

However, as in all types of relationships, there are some things that canines detest about their masters, whether it be for causing them stress, making them feel uncomfortable or preventing them from feeling free.

These are acts and gestures that most of the time are not malicious and are even done inadvertently, but unfortunately they make it difficult to deal between the dog and his friend.

To prevent it from happening to you, we leave you the 4 things that their owners’ dogs detest the most.

Bathe them many times a week

dog bath

The rejection that many canines feel to the water and especially to be bathed is not a surprise to anyone, however, what our little friends hate the most is when their owners do this very often.

Although, it is true that dogs should be bathed for hygiene and even health reasons, one of the biggest mistakes that can be made is when you do more than you should, since they must be given a good bath only when they really need it.

Don’t gesticulate while talking to him

One of the greatest virtues of dogs is their amazing ability to communicate with us and understand what we say to them. However, to the surprise of many, what these beautiful companions understand are more gestures than our language itself.

It is true that there are words that they manage to memorize thanks to their unmatched intelligence. Despite this,  they learn to determine what we want to say to them is through our gestures, so one of the most uncomfortable things they can suffer is when we try to speak without gesturing.

Do not you believe it? Try to spend a day communicating with your little friend only with gestures, you will be surprised to notice how he manages to correctly interpret the vast majority of the things you want to say to him!

Do not let them walk quietly

For all dogs it is essential to carry out physical activities to have a good state of health.  In addition to this, they are true lovers of long walks, so taking them for a walk is something that you must do if you want your dog to be healthy and happy.

The small drawback with all this is that on such walks our companions can be easily distracted, which increases the possibility of them escaping.

The best known solution to avoid this situation is through the use of a leash, since with this you can stop your canine when it tries to go to a place where it should not, or accelerates its pace too much.

However, this is precisely one of the things that dogs hate the most, because for them it is important that on their walks they can feel at ease, and when their owners pull them with the leash, they are not only hurting them greatly. their neck, but also generating a lot of frustration.

What dogs hate the most from their owners: hugs

dog with child

It may seem like an impossible joke to believe, but although for many it is a lie, what their owners’ canines hate the most are hugs.

It happens that what for us is the maximum gesture of affection that we can offer, for them they represent an act of aggressiveness, and the greatest invasion that their space can suffer, since for these little friends hugging them means an act of domination, which can generate violent reactions in them.

Although many canines can tolerate it and do not show any discomfort, it is something terribly stressful, even when they are used to it from puppies.

If you notice that when you hug your dog, it licks its lips or lowers its gaze, it is crying out for you to stop doing it immediately.

Although there are other acts that canines hate, if you avoid the ones already mentioned you will not have problems with them.

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