Puppy Care Boston Terrier

The Boston terrier is a very popular dog, small in size with pointed ears; If you plan to take one home, you have to know what the main care is since it is a puppy
Boston terrier puppy care

Originally from the United States, the Boston terrier is a small dog, known for its pointed ears and flattened muzzle. In this article we inform you about the main care when they are puppies.

How to take care of a Boston terrier puppy?

As a first measure you should know some characteristics of the breed. For example, that it is a very affectionate pet, ideal for homes with children, and that it loves to play until tired.

The Boston terrier is small in size, so it is suitable for apartments in the city, and does not require too much care due to its short coat. Keep in mind some tips if you want to adopt a puppy of this breed:

1. Food

You do not need a large amount of food daily, although it is varied. Check with your vet to tell you what the appropriate doses are. One recommendation is that your diet is made up of 50% feed, 25% meat and 25% vegetables.

2. Walks

Boston terrier puppies are very active, so from the moment they are allowed to go outside, we recommend that you take them out for a walk at least once a day. As the months go by, increase the number of daily walks to three, even if they are short (at least 10 minutes).

Boston terrier: feeding

In addition to the walk, you will have to play a lot with your puppy. You can buy her toys or make her own teethers out of old rags or rope. Try to make him tired enough so that he doesn’t destroy anything at home, especially if he is left alone.

3. Brushing

Since the Boston terrier has a short coat, it does not need to be brushed every day; once a week will be enough to remove dead hair and dirt.

If you want to bathe your dog, do it once a month with special pet shampoo. Make sure to clean his ears and muzzle well, two ‘trouble’ areas in the breed. Also, a nail trimmer done by a professional will prevent injuries or infections.

In turn, you can take him to the vet for a deep tooth cleaning. This will avoid dental problems, typical in Boston terriers. This is recommended from the year of life.

4. Health

There are some medical problems that can affect your Boston terrier dog, even from a young age. For example, it is a breed prone to hypothyroidism, respiratory problems due to the size and shape of its snout, and the appearance of skin tumors.

Boston terrier: health

In order to avoid or treat these pathologies in time, it is necessary to take him to the vet at least twice a year. Comprehensive reviews will ensure that at the slightest sign of disease, suitable methods to control or cure can be found. Keep in mind that up to one year of life a puppy – of any breed – must visit the specialist every month, in order to administer the mandatory vaccinations in a timely manner.

On the other hand, due to the shape of their eyes (bulging), Boston terriers are prone to infections and eye problems. Avoid sticking his head out the window in the car or playing near branches or bushes in the park.

5. Teaching

Boston terrier puppies can be easily trained, although it can sometimes be difficult for them to learn to relieve themselves outside the home. Early education is essential so that they can incorporate certain habits and maintain them over time.

We recommend that you use a positive form of training. That is, do not yell at him when he does not comply with an indication and that you reward him when he does it correctly. Be patient until he learns to master certain instincts and allows early socialization to avoid dangerous or destructive behaviors.

By following all these tips, your Boston terrier puppy will grow up healthy and strong and will be more than obedient and happy.

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