Puppy Vaccination Guidelines

Puppy vaccination guidelines

Over the years, research teams have developed several vaccines, essential for the correct development of the dog’s health. The work of animal medicine professionals is absolutely necessary, but it is also important that owners are the primary protectors of their pet’s well-being.

For dog lovers it is essential to know the vaccination plan that should be applied to your pet. The vaccines for dogs are effective in prevention of the development of the virus, preventing the spread of animals and coming often to save their lives. There are deadly diseases that can be prevented by injection and effective deworming. That is why here we explain the puppy vaccination guidelines.

What is a vaccine for?

Experts say that vaccines are essential for animals to have good health. They help prepare the body’s immune system to fight the invasion of disease-causing organisms. They are very important in the health of dogs. That is why it is essential to follow a vaccination schedule according to the medical history, environment and lifestyle of your pet.

What are the vaccination guidelines?

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The vaccination schedule varies according to the age of the puppy, depending on this factor, it is when the first dose begins to be administered. The normal thing is to start between a month and a half and two months of life, when a first vaccine called “puppy” is injected. From two months the puppies must be vaccinated (and revaccinated) of parvovirus-coronavirus and trivalent. These two vaccines are administered alternately, ie; fifteen days after receiving the parvovirus-coronavirus vaccine, the puppy receives the first dose of trivalent, fifteen days after receiving this, the second dose of parvovirus-coronavirus will be applied and after another fifteen days, the second dose of trivalent will be applied.

Around six months of age, the rabies vaccine is administered and once all these vaccines have been administered, the dog is protected for a year, after which time a multipurpose vaccine is applied.

What vaccines are there?

There are different types of vaccines that create antibodies that protect our pet from certain diseases.


The first vaccine administered is called “puppy” and is composed of live attenuated and lyophilized distemper and parvovirus viruses. One or more strains of each virus are used, depending on the manufacturer, attenuated so that they do not cause the disease. This vaccine interferes with the antibodies provided by the mother through milk when it is inoculated at a very young age, therefore the dog must be revaccinated in a relatively short period.

The following vaccine provides antibodies against parvovirus-coronavirus, thus combining live attenuated parvovirus and inactivated coronavirus, resulting in good immunity. The trivalent vaccine bears this name because it is effective against three diseases and is composed of live attenuated distemper virus, hepatitis, and parainfluenza.

Finally, the rabies vaccine is made up of an inactivated rabies virus and provides immunity to this disease for one year. The multi-purpose vaccine that is administered one year after the rabies vaccine is made up of inactivated viruses and is a reminder of all the diseases against which the puppy was vaccinated.

The vet, the best ally

A follow-up of the immunization program (that is, the vaccines that the animal should receive and the order in which it should receive them) is very necessary to ensure the health of our dog and implies frequent visits to the veterinarian to receive his advice. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure, especially in the case of one of our dearest friends.

In the first visit to the veterinarian, the specialist will carry out a first check-up that will consist of taking the dog’s temperature, auscultating, deworming and examining the ears and mouth. In addition, the first immunological dose will be administered. From this moment on, an essential vaccination schedule for the animal’s health will be established.

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