Requirements To Adopt An Animal

Each species is a world, with its specific needs, hence the first thing to do before taking in a specimen is to assess the situation or environment in which it is going to live.
Requirements to adopt an animal

Adoption is a fundamental measure to fight abandonment and help needy dogs and cats. However, abandonment does not understand species, ages or races: nowadays all kinds of abandoned animals can be accommodated. If you want to do your bit, we tell you the requirements to adopt an animal.

Requirements to adopt an animal: it depends on each animal

Our personal preferences incline us to want to live more with one type of animal than another, but, despite this,  all animals seek good company and become great friends. Before deciding to adopt an animal, do not close yourself to just one species.

It may be that your way of life is not suitable to adopt the species you had in mind, but let yourself be advised by the animal protector in which you go to look for your companion: it  is possible that a member of another species can be tremendously happy in your house and that you become great friends.

Your schedules are important

Working hours and away from home are very important to choose which animal to live with. A dog needs a lot more dedication than a cat; certainly more than small rodents like hamsters. There are animals that can be alone at home during long working hours and others that need more attention.

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Before adopting an animal,  take into account your schedules: also those of the weekends and holidays. If you usually go for a walk in the mountains on your days off, or you like to travel, an animal that can adapt to that hustle, like a dog, is a much better option.

However, if you like the quiet and don’t usually spend a lot of time away from home, a rabbit, a cat and even a bird can be good company.

Different animals for different economies

One of the essential requirements to adopt an animal is that you have the financial capacity to keep it and attend to its medical emergencies. This is because after signing the adoption papers, these expenses will be yours and the protector who gave you the animal will no longer have financial obligations.

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Even if you do not have a fortune and your income is fair, there are animals that give less expenses than others. For example, rodents eat small amounts and do not usually need veterinary attention. However, the elderly, from dogs to farm animals, tend to spend more time at the vet, in addition to eating special diets.

It is logical that if you cannot pay the bills for your pet, you should not have it; but there are alternatives. The foster homes are paid for by the shelters, or you can look for a pet that has few expenses.

Where are you going to live

Of course, the size and shape of your house is another of the requirements to adopt an animal that you must take into account. Living in a small house does not condemn you to not enjoying the presence of pets, just as having a large lot does not force you to have a dog.

In a small house or apartment rodents, rabbits, birds and even reptiles can live comfortably. They are small animals, and also do not need much space to develop: with their reference cage and a room to stretch their legs it will be enough for them.


It is common to have dogs in a house with land, but it is not necessary. If you want to take advantage of all the meters and the possibilities of your garden, a donkey can be a good option. In addition, it will cut your grass and fertilize the soil without you asking. Farm and draft animals need many square meters to live fully and you could give it to them.

In contrast, cats often run away and endanger themselves in open houses. If you have balconies or a small garden you must close them to protect the kittens with whom you live; this class of houses is not usually suitable for the adoption of felines.

An adoption is forever

First of all, keep in mind that an adoption is final and that you will live with that animal for its entire life, no matter what happens. Before signing the adoption papers, think about the medium and long term, and look for an animal that can fit into your plans.

With a stable family life, a dog that will live for 10 years is a good choice. However, if you are a student and you plan to travel or look for work in other cities, a more independent animal with a shorter life, such as a rodent, a bird or a cat , may be a better choice.

Adoption is one of the most ethical and beneficial methods for us as a society to get a pet. Thousands of animals are abandoned a year and all of them need a definitive family to take care of them, and this problem does not understand races or species. If you want to live with a pet, go to a nearby animal shelter and ask them which animal would suit you.

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