Do You Know What Benefits Living With A Dog Brings?

Do you know what benefits living with a dog brings?

If you have ever had the experience of living for a time with a companion animal, you will know that this requires some obligations regarding its well-being, such as covering its basic needs for food, hygiene, health, exercise and also giving it affection, love him and take care of him until the end. However, in this relationship not everything is giving. In exchange for all your care, you receive unconditional and faithful love. In addition to this, there are numerous studies that affirm that living with an animal has direct benefits on human health. Here we explain what benefits living with a dog brings. 

1.- Reduce stress and anxiety

Constantly petting dogs provides reassurance and stimulates human relaxation hormones. In this way, pampering your dog can become as relaxing an activity as yoga. In addition, this exercise reduces hypertension and cardiovascular problems. Also, having a dog reduces anxiety in hyperactive children.

2.- Strengthens self-esteem

Your pet does not judge you or analyze you, but loves you just as you are, with your strengths and weaknesses. What’s more, when you get home he welcomes you in such a way that it seems that you have no defects and this makes anyone’s day.

3.- It reduces the feeling of loneliness

The owner of a dog never returns to an empty house, and this makes you always feel accompanied. Also, if you have a dog, you will have a spectacular reception every time you return home. Therefore, dogs are the best company for a person who lives alone or who has to overcome a trauma.

4.- Encourage exercise

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Since dogs must do a lot of daily exercise (the bigger the dog, the more exercise it will have to do), having one of these animals forces owners to leave the house and even to sign up for certain sports, such as canicross, or exercising outdoors.

5.- Reduce allergy

Numerous studies have shown that children who have grown up with a dog at home develop fewer allergy problems than those who do not live with a dog. Also, these children are less likely to develop eczema on the skin.

6.- They help with diseases

It is proven that dog owners recover earlier from their illnesses, especially if they are sudden attacks, such as a heart attack. Also, if you have epilepsy, your pet can detect the approach of an attack and warn you. In addition, they are a great antidote to depression.

7.- They increase responsibility

Having a dog makes a person have something that is completely dependent on him. This increases the sense of responsibility in both adults and children and in fact, it has been proven that the latter miss less from school.

8.- They improve mood

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The fact of playing with our dog increases the levels of dopamine and serotonin in our body, two hormones that control the sensation of pleasure and happiness in our body. Furthermore, only they are capable of making you smile at the worst of times with any of their graces.

9.- It’s the perfect alarm

Dogs have much more developed hearing and smell than humans, which allows them to distinguish your properties from those of other mortals. Therefore, it will recognize your car, your steps, your smell … It will know when you or a stranger arrive home. In addition, as an alarm it is safer and cheaper, especially if it belongs to one of these breeds: Poodle or Poodle, Airedale Terrier, Chihuahua, Cairn Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer, Westy, Scottish Terrier, German Shepherd and Rottweiler.

10.- Social benefits

People with dogs have more social interactions than those who do not, since the dog allows conversations with strangers on the street. It is more than proven, that dog owners find a partner earlier than those who do not have.

Likewise, dogs help society as instruments of therapy, guide dogs, police dogs, rescue dogs, shepherd dogs … There is no animal that helps society so much.

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