Never Hit Your Dog

Never hit your dog

“Violence only begets violence.” Those words are wise and can be applied to different orders of life. Therefore, turn a deaf ear to those who advise you that to educate dogs you have to apply some kind of physical punishment and never hit your dog. Good treatment, love and patience are the best tools for coexistence. And this includes pets too.

Reasons why you should not hit your furry

A dog that receives physical punishment becomes elusive and fearful. And that’s not what we want from a pet, is it? And it is that a dog that feels intimidated by its owner, will never be able to correctly assimilate an order or understand what its owner wants it to do.

Also remember that dogs are very sensitive and will clearly perceive anger. So, never hit your dog. You will only achieve that:

train your pet

  • Run away when you want to punish him.
  • Face the situation and try to attack you.
  • Express the frustration and anxiety you feel about the situation you are experiencing with different behaviors: breaking objects, compulsive licking of certain areas of your body, urination in inappropriate places, etc.

If this happens, the solution is not to increase the physical punishment, obviously, but to find another way to teach your dog how you want him to behave. Thus, little by little, they will solve the problems. And if they still persist, you can seek professional help. But make sure it is someone serious and responsible.

Educate him with love: don’t hit your dog

The best way to train a dog, without a doubt, is with love. And affection translates into patience, persistence, and good treatment. If you use the so-called positive reinforcement, you will surely obtain better results than with abuse, which, also, do not forget that it is punishable by law.

But what can you do to help your dog learn basic rules of conduct? Basically, reward their good behaviors and ignore the bad ones. It’s simple, when you get the furry to respond to an order you give him:

  • You give him a food that is to his liking.
  • You caress it.
  • You affectionately express to him what a good dog he is and how proud you are in him.

    Remember that your dog is a dog and that he acts like one

    If you decide to share your life and your home with a pet, it is not a bad thing to remember some details:

    • The animal does not do things on purpose or to anger you. What you consider with your human rod bad behavior may be something absolutely normal for him. That is why you must educate him with patience to achieve a harmonious coexistence.
    • There is no use challenging a dog for something he did. The reprimand only works if you find him red-handed . If not, he will not be able to understand the reason for your anger and you will only be able to confuse him.
    • If a dog’s misbehavior persists, rest assured there is always a reason. You must find the cause to solve it. Punishments will only make things worse.

    Respect, patience and love when it comes to living with a pet

    educate your dog

    Never forget that if you choose to have a pet, you must assume the responsibility of taking care of it in every way. And in the list of care, the good treatment that the furry deserves occupies an important place.

    We started this article by quoting a phrase about violence. Let’s use another to close it: “You reap what you sow.” So if you treat your pet with love, you will receive the same from her. On the other hand, if you hit him, you will have a cowardly or aggressive being in your house. Is that what you really want? Certainly not.

    Remember that your furry is a living being and that as such, it deserves to be treated with great respect. So pamper your dog a lot and be very patient with him. He will know how to reward you more than anything else. There should not be the slightest doubt about that.

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