The Importance Of Having A Pet In Quarantine

Pets can provide multiple benefits in times of anxiety, depression. And in these moments of social isolation, interaction with them can be essential.
The importance of having a pet in quarantine

Since the coronavirus became a pandemic and the state of alarm was decreed in Spain, many people have felt overwhelmed, anxious and full of uncertainty. However, animal guardians are in luck. Having a pet in times of quarantine is a great help, since it helps to relieve emotional tension.

The company, the affection and even the times of games with the pets can be that ‘lifeline’ that the guardians and relatives need to cope with the current situation in the best possible way. Let’s see more about this topic below.

Pets can be a lifesaver

Animal therapy is a resource that has been shown to provide several benefits. Therefore, it is increasingly common to use it to relieve various issues, such as stress and anxiety.

Animal therapy has multiple benefits.

A correlation between stress reduction and interaction with pets has been empirically demonstrated . This relationship goes beyond the merely emotional, since physiological values ​​such as blood pressure or the rate of heartbeat are reduced when interacting with animals.

Other research has shown more specific relationships, but no less important. For example, the benefit of having a pet in delicate moments has been observed in older people. When it came to making medical visits to their homes, the elderly received the news with less stress if a companion animal was present. 

We are at a time when information reaches us uninterruptedly. When a piece of information or an image bothers us, why don’t we try turning off the television and playing with the pet for a while?

Dogs and children during quarantine

Many parents will find themselves concerned about how this quarantine will affect their children’s development. Social interaction is essential in early childhood education, and part of it will be interrupted indefinitely. Children will not be able to interact with others their age for a while, but the presence of an animal in the home can be very helpful.

The supportive relationship between guardians and pets goes far beyond what you might initially think. Research has shown that having a pet in the early stages of development can yield surprising benefits.

Canine kisses are not a cause of the coronavirus.

In a sample of 155 children analyzed in relation to the presence of pets in their lives, it was observed that:

  • Children’s empathy was correlated with a positive relationship with their pets.
  • Children who had both cats and dogs showed more empathy than those with only one of the two.
  • Infants who showed no preference between cats and dogs were more empathetic than those who chose either.
  • The children who created the most bonds with their pets were more empathetic than those who neglected them the most.

Surprising, right? These data make us think that the  presence of pets is a fundamental factor in early childhood education, even more so in times of social isolation.

Against loneliness and depression, animal companionship

Loneliness is something that many people will have to deal with during this time. There are several remedies to overcome the lack of interaction: messages or video calls between family and friends are healthy behaviors during quarantine, although they will never replace direct contact. Still, if we have a pet, we will never be entirely alone.

That the pet becomes a member of the family is something natural. But a study conducted a few years ago yielded surprising results to say the least.

  • More than 1,000 people with pets conducted a global survey regarding emotional support and family dynamics.
  • The researchers found that,  in sad situations, the majority turned to their dogs earlier than to friends, parents or siblings.

    And it is that having a pet can be so positive that for this reason we end up valuing them as members of our family.

    Influence of pets in the family

    The pet: the best company in difficult times

    As we have seen, in times of anxiety, depression, and even during childhood development, an animal can help us feel better, overcome difficulties and, at the same time, be more empathetic. This is a real treasure.

    Therefore, let’s take advantage of this quarantine time to show them affection and gratitude.

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