The Caribbean Octopus (Octopus Briareus)

The Caribbean octopus is characterized by being, within the existing octopus species, one of the most intelligent. However, it is not easy to study.
Caribbean octopus (Octopus briareus)

Octopus briareus is the name given to the species of octopus that comes from the Caribbean. This species is commonly known as “the Caribbean octopus”.

Like other octopuses, this species is very striking for its ability to camouflage itself in dangerous situations. However, it is curious that most specimens do not live for more than 5 years and that, generally, they die around the first. Let’s see more information about this animal below.

Origin and behavior of the Caribbean octopus

It was in 1929, at the Amsterdam Museum of Zoology, when the Caribbean octopus was defined as a species. In this museum a collection of cephalopods that came from various parts of the Atlantic was collected.

Octopuses made up the majority of the collection and their study allowed us to determine the different variations existing between species. In addition, of the 18 species of octopus, one of them was a new specimen, of which there was no record to date.

Therefore, Robson was the first to describe the Caribbean octopus in 1929. This animal was listed as the   Octopus briareus species and belongs to the Octopodidae family .

Octopuses are solitary animals that only show interest in their congeners at the time of mating. However, if they meet other individuals at any other time, they pay no attention to them.

Its best known peculiarity is camouflage with the environment in which it is in danger. They are capable of changing the pigment of their mantle, managing to hide in plain sight.

The Caribbean octopus is one of the most intelligent species that exists. However, researchers acknowledge that further investigation is difficult due to its short lifespan.

The maximum period of life that this species can live is less than five years, although some do not exceed one year of life. It is believed that it may be because they can die after mating.

Characteristics of the Caribbean octopus

Due to the characteristics of the octopus, it can be thought that it is an animal from another world. In the past, the octopus was labeled as an alien.

In the old days, it was considered a bad omen to see an octopus in the water. They were accused of being responsible for the sinking of ships.

The octopuses dragged the sailors to the ocean floor, thus ending their lives. However, the reality is that octopuses are calm animals that prefer to hide rather than face danger.  

Among the most striking body features of octopuses are their large head as well as the eight legs that make up their body. Apart from their curious body structure, they have great flexibility that allows them to adapt.

Despite being often confused with the common octopus, the Caribbean octopus is characterized by dark circles around its eyes. It is medium in size and, although it is not as fast as other species, it is able to hide with the landscape.

The Caribbean octopus on a coral reef.

On the other hand, one of the most common mistakes is to confuse the octopus with the squid. Therefore, it is important to differentiate them. Although both are mollusks, they differ in aspects such as feeding, reproduction, behavior or way of movement.

Food and habitat

In general, octopuses are omnivorous animals that feed mainly on mollusks, crustaceans, fish or algae. As they are nocturnal animals, the hunt for food is carried out once the sun goes down, being protected by the darkness of the night.

The distribution of this species starts from the south of Florida, passing through the southeastern Gulf of Mexico, the Bahamas and the Caribbean Sea. It reaches the north of South America, being present in the Atlantic Ocean and the Netherlands Antilles between the 3 and 20 meters of limit.

The Caribbean octopus lives in rocky dens on reefs, and the loss of its habitat is one of its main problems today. In the future, this is expected to occur due to some phenomena, from ocean acidification to global warming.

Regarding its capture for consumption, it is only hunted on a very small scale. This is because its consumption does not arouse much interest.

The Red List has cataloged this species within the “lower risk” range as it has a wide distribution. However, its current population and the number of adult individuals that comprise it is not known.

The Octopus briareus at the bottom of the sea.


Octopuses are animals that attract a lot of attention for their ability to hide in plain sight. This evolutionary strategy has allowed its survival for millions of years.

Even when data on this – or any other species – is unknown, it is important to be aware and bet on its conservation, as this contributes greatly to the balance of ecosystems.

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