Differences Between Alaskan Malamute And Siberian Husky

Although both are classified as Nordic dogs used to drag sleds, they diverge in several aspects such as their origins, size, eyes, fur or character.
Differences between Alaskan malamute and Siberian husky

They both live in the snow, pull sleds, and have a wolf-like appearance. However, there are several differences between Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky. Would you like to know which ones are they? In this article we will tell you about it.

What are the differences between Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky?

Both breeds belong to group 5, within the denomination of Nordic sled dogs. If you are thinking of adopting any of them, you should know that they require a lot of daily exercise and that they do not support high temperatures so well.

At first glance we could say that both are the same, although there are several differences between Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky:

1. Origins

By their names we can already know where each one was created. The malamute originated in Western Alaska, precisely within the Inuit tribe, in the late nineteenth century. With the gold rush in the area, many began to adopt it and, therefore, it is so popular in Canada and the United States.

For its part, the husky was born in a cold and unpopulated area of ​​Siberia, thanks to the Chukchi tribe. For them, having one of these wolf-dogs as a helper was a great pride, a symbol of strength and power.

2. Use

From the beginning, both breeds were used to help in hunting and to transport food, wood or even people on sleds. However, other tasks were also added to the husky: giving warmth and protection to women and children during snowy nights and accompanying their owners over long distances thanks to their physical resistance.

3. Size

One of the main differences between Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky is size. Both are robust and large breeds, although the first is taller and heavier: 63 centimeters at the withers and 35 kilos in weight. The Siberian native does not exceed 60 centimeters in height or 30 kilos in weight.

4. Eyes

Undoubtedly, one of the main characteristics of Siberian huskies is that many specimens have light eyes – light blue or green – or they can even have an iris of each color. Alaskan Malamutes always have dark eyes, whether they are black or brown.

Husky: features

5. Head

At first glance, the malamute has a larger and more square face than the husky, although it is equally harmonious with the rest of its body. Both have a mostly white face, with dark lines, as if they had a mask or mask. They also seem to wear a cap or coat in the area of ​​the forehead and skull, which is darker than the muzzle.

Another difference is the ears: in those of Alaska they are smaller and wider at the base, while in those of Siberia they are more elongated. In both the shape is triangular and upright.

6. Fur

It is another of the most notable differences between Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky. Although both have a double coat of hair, and these can be of different colors (white, gray, brown, black, reddish), in the former the fur is longer and rougher to the touch. Siberians have a very soft, medium-length coat.

Alaskan malamute: character

7. Character

The American breed is very obedient to the whole family; It is not ‘one owner’, as it loves to be in a herd and surrounded by people and animals. At the same time, it is characterized by its nobility, its loyalty and its dedication. If he is educated since he was a puppy, he will never disobey an order.

As for the Russian dog, it is a gentle, affectionate, friendly and outgoing pet, which can be somewhat aggressive with people it does not know or when it is away from home. He prefers to be surrounded by other dogs, he is very intelligent, docile and needs stimulation not only physically, but also mentally. Therefore, agility games can be perfect for a husky.

Finally, there are not many differences between Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky at the health level : both tend to suffer from hip dysplasia and eye problems such as cataracts. Neither of you likes the heat, and you can become obese if you eat too much and don’t exercise.

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