Homemade Diet For Dogs: Discover The Most Recommended Foods

Homemade diet for dogs: discover the most recommended foods

If you are one of those who thinks it is better to feed your dog at home and not use any kind of industrial food (feed or concentrate), you can do it. Previously, we had prepared an article with some of the foods that your pet cannot eat, so in this article we will include those that are highly recommended, so that you keep them in mind when preparing a homemade diet for dogs

One of the main reasons why owners decide to opt for a homemade diet is because that way they control the ingredients that the dog eats, in addition to being able to select their quality. These types of diets are usually cheaper, as they are mixed with the foods we usually consume. You can also monitor the protein consumption of the animal, and reduce the intake of salts and sodium, as well as avoid sugar that can be harmful to your body.

Remember that when it comes to feeding a dog, you must take into account its nutritional needs, its age, its size, its energy consumption and that it be a balanced diet. It is important that when you use a homemade diet, as the exclusive way to feed your dog, (and not only as a method of rewards or food supplements) it must be supervised by the veterinarian, to avoid problems related to a poor diet.

Animal protein

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Animal protein is a great source of nutrients for our dog, so including beef, chicken, pork or fish in their diet would be ideal to help them strengthen their body, bones and muscles. However, you should monitor the portions, especially when it comes to beef and pork, because these have a high fat content, which can increase the cholesterol in the animal’s body.

It is also good to avoid the consumption of raw meat if your body is not used to it, as it can bring bacteria, parasites or produce some kind of diseases derived from its consumption.

It is not advisable to allow them to eat chicken or fish bones if their body has never ingested them, they can splinter and become embedded or break any membrane in their digestive system. Many problems in the intestines derive precisely from the intake of these bones, so it is best to buy artificial ones, which also help clean the teeth.

The egg is highly recommended for dogs, it is a source of vitamins, fats and calcium, this can be consumed raw or cooked.


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Contrary to popular belief, dogs are omnivores and can eat vegetables. However, you must keep in mind that it is difficult for your body to digest them if they are raw, so it will be better if you cook them or puree them, so that they chew and digest them better.

Before giving your dog a vegetable, check which ones are prohibited. For example, those that contain thiosulfate in high concentrations (such as onion) are toxic to them, so it is best to avoid them. The garlic can be used in moderate amounts, it helps prevent fleas, but should administrársele in minimal doses.

Look in general for those vegetables that are high in fiber, which will be extremely beneficial for your digestive system. Excellent options for your dog’s diet are potatoes, as they are rich in carbohydrates and amino acids, carrots strengthen his eyes and spinach is a source of many vitamins. You can flavor your food with ingredients such as pepper, which is good for circulation, or include broccoli, which reduces the chances of developing cancer.

Grains and cereals

In general, anything that is high in fiber will be good for your dog. Although they are not necessary, they will help you in the digestion process. For example, pasta and bread, they tend to like a lot, although they should eat them in moderate quantities, to avoid obesity and as well as have an adequate baking or cooking process. Rice is recommended for its protein content.

You must keep in mind that your dog should have a diet as varied as possible, because if you choose only two or three ingredients, you can cause long-term damage, in addition to causing him not to want to eat out of boredom. Good homemade nutrition is based on the mixture of nutrients, cooked or raw, provided through meat and enriched by vegetables and, to improve digestion, cereals.

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