Does Aloe Vera Have Benefits For Our Pets?

This plant is not only good for humans, because its properties also have various positive effects on animals thanks to its vitamin contribution
Does aloe vera have benefits for our pets?

In recent years, the use of aloe vera for many diseases and the healing of skin wounds has intensified. We already know that many of the products we use can be good for animals, but does aloe vera have benefits for our pets?

Aloe vera, what is it for?

When the properties of this plant were discovered, there were many skeptics who did not believe that so many nutrients could be gathered together in a single leaf.

However, its benefits and its vitamin contribution, has become very clear after having been used in various circumstances. It has been shown to have amino acids, a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, tannins, carbohydrates, and many other components.

Its uses are summarized in these:

  • Energizing
  • Digestive
  • Detoxifying
  • Improves absorption of nutrients
  • Improves drug absorption
  • Moisturizing
  • Relieves itching
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic
  • Healing
  • Renew damaged cells
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Antibiotic
  • Antifungal
  • Antiviral

Aloe vera has benefits for our pets

These are some of the so far known benefits of aloe vera for us. But, what about the benefits of aloe vera for our pets?

Aloe vera brings benefits for our pets

Yes, aloe vera has benefits for our pets. Here are some of them:

  • Allergies. It is ideal for treating skin allergies such as potions, rashes or inflammations. These symptoms could be caused by a skin allergy, or perhaps a food allergy causing external rashes.
  • Hair loss Hair loss is not normal when it is not the time for hair shedding, so it could be caused by an illness or infection. Aloe vera will be the perfect antidote to combat it. Even if there were areas where, for some reason, the hair had completely fallen out, it is possible that this plant helped it to come out again.
  • Wounds. Aloe vera is ideal for treating wounds thanks to its gelatinous texture, which has a regenerating effect and helps healing. In addition, it will serve as a wound protector to prevent our pet from catching an infection in that area.
  • Organ damage. Aloe vera is also beneficial as a drink. Aloe vera juice can help your dog regain the proper functioning of damaged organs, as well as detoxify the body.
  • Hormones. Animals also suffer from problems with hormones, such as imbalances. Minerals such as zinc, magnesium and many others that aloe vera is made of will help regulate the body and, therefore, the proper functioning of hormones.

    Aloe vera for dogs

    These are some of the benefits that aloe vera brings to our pets. There are other uses such as in the cases of tumors that, although it is not a cure, it can slow cell growth.

    The most common use of this plant is topically, although we encourage you to also use it in juice. Of course, before administering it orally, ask your veterinarian if this use is suitable for your pet. Although it is a natural compound, we should never take risks.

    It is as simple as mixing the aloe vera juice with a little oil, which will act as an emulsifier; If you wish, you can add a light touch of gelatin to make it a little creamier. You’ll see how it relieves your pet’s skin problems.

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