What Should You Keep In Mind When Hiring A Pet Sitter?

When we decide to hire a pet sitter, we must verify their ability to protect the health, safety and well-being of our dear friend before hiring them
What should you keep in mind when hiring a pet sitter?

Sooner or later all pet owners face the need to hire a pet sitter. We can easily see that today anyone can call themselves a professional dog walker or pet sitter.

Our pets have no way of telling us about their experience when they are away from us. So, just like choosing the best caregivers for our children, we will do our best to find a qualified, trustworthy, and professional caregiver.

We bear in mind that this person must not only guarantee the well-being and safety of your pet, but also the safety of your home.

What is the best search route to hire a pet sitter?

Many pet sitters rely on their reputation by word of mouth to find new clients. Thus, you can start by evaluating the references you get from friends, neighbors, family, your vet or your dog trainer. These are often the best sources for pet sitters.

Second, you can search for ‘pet sitting services’ in your area. You can do this on social networks.

Inquire about the qualifications and training of each candidate

Before hiring a pet sitter, ask about past experience, what types of pets they have commissioned, and if they have completed any special training.

An especially important point is whether the caregiver would be comfortable handling any special needs or behavior problems of your pet.

If the caregiver has a blog with information about their services, about pets and how to care for them, it is an advantage. And it is that this shows that he really cares about what he does.

Pet sitter reads book

Adequate communication

Must be specified: How will the pet sitter communicate with you while you are away? Many pet sitters will record daily notes on your pet’s activities, eating habits, or mood.

He could also send you digital photos or daily text messages for ongoing information. It is your responsibility to clearly state your wishes regarding food, medications, and emergency contact information.

One point that should not be overlooked is the treatment of any emergency situation or eventual need to go to the vet. This includes the contact information for your vet and the nearest 24-hour emergency vet.

Set the service fees

It is important that both of you know, without a doubt, what is expected of the service and the fees involved, and if it requires you to sign a contract. How many visits will occur each day? At what hours and for what duration? Will he spend the night at your house?

Will grooming or walking services be included? Will cleaning up accidents and miscellaneous like taking out your trash be included? You also have to consider the possibility of extra time: would you be willing to extend your hours until you can get home?

Make sure you clearly understand the caregiver fees – do you charge by the hour or by the day? You must be very clear about the duties and responsibilities of the pet sitter before signing the contract and accepting their fees.

Dog trainer

Pet sitter references

It is important to ask about their experience in caring for pets and how long they have been in this profession. The candidate should provide you with references from previous clients; It is imperative that you communicate with each of them.

Keep in mind to ask previous clients: if they were satisfied, if the pet got along with the caretaker and if they would hire this caretaker again.

Social media is a good way to find out about the candidate’s pro-pet inclination for hiring: are there photos of pets – yours and others – on your website? Are they happy?

See if there is an affinity between your pet and the caregiver

It is important to stop and observe how the sitter interacts with your dog. Do they seem to know what you are doing and are they comfortable interacting? Does your pet seem to like this person? This can be difficult to observe if your pet is particularly shy.

Hiring a dog sitter is not a trivial procedure: getting a right when hiring a pet sitter will allow you to enjoy your trip knowing that your home and pets are well cared for while you are away.

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