Your First Dog: We Help You Make Everything Improve In Record Time

Your first dog: we help you improve everything in record time

Your dog’s first days in his new home are very special. The new member may be feeling a bit confused about where you are and what to expect from you. Creating a clear structure with your family for your little friend will be essential for the transition to be smooth and effective.

In this article, we share some tips so that your dog’s first days  in his new home are not conflictive and can improve in record time.

Tips for the first 30 days

dog house

Determine where your pet will spend most of its time. Because he will be under a lot of stress with the change of environment, he may forget about any break-ins (that he has learned).

Often times, the kitchen is a space that works well for the first few days. But if you notice him approaching and perching on your sofa, show him that this place is not his place.

If you plan to carry out crate training with your dog, make sure you have a crate.

The area where you will spend most of your time during the first months is very important. In the area you choose for the dog, you must hide any loose electrical cables.

On the other hand, in the area for the new member of the family, you have to store household chemicals on high shelves. It is also convenient that you remove plants, rugs and fragile objects and, if necessary, you will have to install baby gates.

Your dog’s training will start from the first moment he arrives at his new home. Take the time to create a vocabulary list that you will use to give your instructions. All members or people who are in direct contact with the animal will use the same words. This will help avoid confusion and help your pet learn your commands more quickly.

Don’t forget to put an identification tag with your phone number  on your pet’s collar. That way, you make sure that if it escapes, it can be found and returned.

A dog’s first day at home

dog and family

If you have boys or girls, make sure they know how to approach without overwhelming him.

When you adopt the dog, ask what and when it was fed. Repeat this schedule for at least the first few days, to avoid gastric discomfort.

If you want to switch to a different brand of food, you have to do it within a week. Add a new part of feed to three parts of the old feed.

On the way home, the dog should travel safely, preferably in a box. Some animals find car trips really stressful, so you will need to transport them somewhere that is safe.

Once at home, you have to immediately take him to his bathroom area  and spend a good amount of time with him so that he gets used to that area and encourages himself to relieve himself.

Starting on the first day, she begins her eating schedule, toilet routine, and play / exercise. From your arrival at home, it is important that you understand that your dog will need time to be with the family and also brief periods of adaptation alone.

Pay attention, see how he adapts and when you notice that his behavior is perfect, reward him by chewing on a toy or letting him rest quietly.

For the first few days, stay calm and quiet around your dog. Words like “come here” or “lie down” can produce a different reaction. Therefore, in principle you must have a lot of patience.

After several weeks, you will surely discover the personality of your little friend. If at first, perhaps, it was a bit uncomfortable, when he starts to get to know you it will be everything much easier.

Be patient and understanding and stick to eating, walking, and exercise routines.

Take him to your veterinarian for regular check- ups, make sure your dog has all the necessary vaccinations and, if required, take him to a trainer to improve his behavior, if necessary. Finally give him all the attention he needs and pamper him a lot at all times.

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