The Fattest Cat In The World Lives In A Hotel

The fattest cat in the world lives in a hotel

Social networks give for everything and the media echo what happens there. One possibility is that, for example, you earn the not-so-funny nickname of being the most obese person on the planet, even if the information is not checked at all and is difficult to verify. Something like that happened with Logan, a kitten who was described as the fattest cat in the world.

Logan, a very overweight pussycat

Source: Best Western Silver Fox Inn Facebook

Logan certainly has a serious obesity problem. And it also has irresponsible owners who, evidence to the eye, have not done enough to prevent this 8-year-old feline from weighing 14 kilograms and moving with difficulty.

The kitten lives in a hotel in the heavenly area of ​​Waterville Valley, in the state of New Hampshire, located in the northeastern United States.

Reportedly, Logan is like Garfield, the famous cartoon character gatuno. So Logan is gluttonous. He likes to eat, eat and eat. Eat from your plate and other people’s dishes. And it even attacks cupboards in search of food.

Learn the story of Logan, an adorable and overweight pussycat who became famous on social media for the sad fact of being considered the fattest cat in the world.

How Logan came to be listed as the fattest cat

The truth is that the kitten looks adorable. And he is also very communicative with the guests. The point is that both its owners and some people who stayed at the hotel, uploaded photos and videos of Logan to Facebook and other social networks.

That is how the little animal began to gain fame and, believe it or not, the place won customers eager to meet the already cataloged fattest cat in the world.

Without a doubt, everyone likes their business to prosper. But everything seems to indicate that Logan owners do not fully realize the risk their pet runs if they do not treat his overweight problem adequately and urgently.

Obesity in domestic cats, a growing problem

Obesity in domestic felines is a worrying issue and it is on the rise. And it is that until a while ago it was common for cats to spend time outside the houses doing their own thing and burning calories on roofs and gardens.

Now our meowing friends have less and less access to the outdoors. And although this way they run less risk of getting sick or hurting themselves, they sleep much of the time and eat the same as before, or, perhaps, more. From there to gaining weight, there is a step.

What must be emphasized is that obesity reduces the time and quality of life of kittens. And it encourages the animal to develop diseases such as diabetes, or suffer from problems:

  • Articular
  • Respiratory
  • Cardiac
  • Hepatic
  • Dermatological

How to avoid overweight in pets

Source: Best Western Silver Fox Inn Facebook

So if you have a cat, monitor its weight. And, if you notice that it has a tendency to gain weight, consult your vet or an animal nutritionist.

In any case, we leave you some tips to avoid being overweight in your pet:

  • Give him the right type of food and in the amount indicated according to his age, size and physical conditions.
  • Encourage physical activity through play and toys.
  • Avoid giving them “human” foods or excess treats.

And if you want your pussycat to become famous on social networks, let it be for how beautiful and friendly it is. That does not happen to him like Logan, classified as the fattest cat in the world. Hopefully their owners become aware. And that it is not too late so that the animal can, at least, lose some weight and regain quality of life.

Image source: Facebook Best Western Silver Fox Inn

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