Can You Unconsciously Mistreat A Dog?

Can a dog be abused unconsciously?

Any pet owner wants their animal to be well cared for and to feel loved and part of the family. However, at times it tends to lose balance and is given a series of unnecessary care “for the good of the pet.” Is it possible that there are owners who can unconsciously mistreat their dog?

Yes, there are. When you think about their care and the good of the dog, many of the acts that we carry out are based on myths or comments that we have heard from others and that we do not know how true they may be. That is why we will talk about those care that, rather than doing good to the animal, is a submerged form of abuse.

Unknowingly mistreating a dog

houses for stray dogs

As we say, there are many acts that are done with all the good intentions in the world, being guided by the good advice of others, but in the end they do nothing more than harm our pet. These are some of those statements.

The dog needs space

Due to this expression, many leave their dogs in gardens or terraces forbidding them access to the house. It is true that a dog needs space to play, to run, to jump and to be happy. Although, who knows happiness alone? Your furry wants to play with you, with your children, get at your feet when it’s cold and find the coolest place in the house to lie on his belly when it’s hot.

He wants your caresses, hearing your laughter, running towards the door when he sees you coming. How will you do all that locked up? Yes, because even if your terrace or garden is an open space in the open air, the dog is locked up, deprived of being able to interact with the people it loves. Do you understand that this is a form of abuse?

Small dogs don’t need to go outside

Since they are so small, the house must seem huge to you. Based on this, many small dog owners take them out for as little as five to ten minutes once a day and sometimes not even that.

A dog, whatever its size, likes to run, jump, and breathe fresh air. They don’t just like it, they need it. They depend on you and what you are willing to give them, they will never ask for more of that, but remember that if you always leave a dog at home, you are mistreating him.

Better not go near other dogs

This expression is used in two different situations:

  • When the dog is aggressive. Better not approach other dogs because if you bite or attack them I will be in trouble. This is the excuse that many give, although it is true that a dog can be educated and controlled so that this does not happen. But of course, refusing to interact with others is the easiest.
  • Overprotection. You may also want to prevent others from hurting your animal and we overprotect it by preventing it from mixing with dogs without realizing that how we are actually hurting it is that way.

No matter what our excuse is, it is not valid. A dog needs to interact with others of its kind, it must socialize to be a friendly, friendly and happy furry. Denying him that is like mistreating.

detangle a dog's hair

I’m going to cut her hair in the summer

Thinking about our needs, we believe that dogs have the same needs and this is not entirely true. The hair of the furry does not need to be cut in summer to be “cooler” as many say. Your hair is your greatest insulator, both for cold and heat.

Therefore, cut the necessary hair for your dog when necessary, forget about the myths and simply think about what is best for your pet. When in doubt, there is no one better than a veterinarian to guide you.

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