They Rescue A Dog From The Rubble Of A Tall Building

They rescue a dog from the rubble of a tall building

Natural disasters are something that scare us and it is normal because in recent years there have been many who have devastated villages, they have stolen the lives of many people including children and also thousands of animals. However, we are glad that stories like this one, in which a dog is rescued, reach our ears.

It is known that animals seem to sense disasters before humans, although considering what we narrate here, we would say that the little dog in this story did not have time to flee. Luckily, it had a happy ending.

Disaster came

dog Police

The story we bring you today happened in Taiwan, less than twenty days ago. A 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit the city creating great damage.

For people who live in countries where earthquakes occur every day, this magnitude may seem not so great. But the truth is that it borders on being called an earthquake, and it is not always the magnitude that determines the extent of the damage.

The infrastructure and the foundations of the buildings have a lot to do with it, and it seems that in Taiwan they are not very good, as there were buildings that collapsed like an accordion. This was the case of the building in which our little friend was found.

The anguish of being trapped

This little dog looks like he didn’t know anything about what was going on, despite his canine ability to detect signs before they happen. Or maybe he just didn’t get a chance to escape. Either way, before he knew it, he was buried under rubble. What anguish it must feel to be under cement!

It seems that the building was residential, although it is not specified. Unfortunately, seven people died in the collapse and several were injured. Our little friend was lucky.

They rescue a dog from the rubble

Soon a rescue team with trained dogs arrived at the site of the collapse. They began the search and soon found this little dog who was crying for wanting to surface.

They soon began to lift debris and were able to take the dog in their arms, who went from one to the other until they were in a safe place.

The animal was unharmed, perhaps a little dizzy, something common in this situation and with some small scratches from which it soon recovered.

The value of rescue dogs

In Taiwan, when this disaster occurred, at least 23 dogs participated and the search and rescue of people and animals.

These dogs that have been trained for this purpose and play a crucial role in the search for survivors because their developed sense of smell and other skills, together with their training received for this purpose, makes the task much easier and that they are fully trained for it.

But his work is not only limited to the search in landslides, also in these other facets:

  • People buried under the snow due to an avalanche.
  • People locked in confined spaces.
  • Rescue of shipwrecked or bathers.
  • Rescue of people in forest fires or lost in forests.

Undoubtedly, although the training they receive is tough, these animals do it with gusto because of their desire to help others. They are of great value in the eyes of all and many have been recognized for their hard work and awarded. They are an example worth imitating because every day they risk their lives to save those of others.

Already in most of the world the valuable help of these animals is counted on, and we hope that as time passes more and more of them will be trained for such noble purposes. For stories as beautiful as this one in which they rescue a dog from the rubble they comfort us. We can’t say much more about how much we love and value you, we can only end this article with three words: thank you, thank you, and thank you.

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