For This Reason Cat Food Should Not Be Fruits And Vegetables

For this reason, cat food should not be fruits and vegetables.

The fruits and vegetables are very beneficial products for people, but not for both cats. The right food is the way in which we owners show how much we love our pets and the concern we have for their health. Discover the cat foods that will suit you best.

If you have a pussycat at home, planning the right diet means understanding its behavior. It is better not to make the mistake of giving you products that could generate effects contrary to what you expect.

Cat food

cat eating

When cats are in the wild, they are strict carnivores. This means that the good quality balanced foods on the market are designed with this in mind.

Adding an excess of fruits or vegetables to your cat’s diet could generate an imbalance due to excess vitamins and minerals, mainly. The most dangerous vegetable for cats is onion.

Some cat foods, such as onion, leek and chives, contain thiosulfate among their components. This causes the destruction of their red blood cells in the kitten, which is also known as hemolytic anemia.

Symptoms of poisoning

The symptoms of food poisoning your cat should not have taken either of hemolytic anemia, they can range from vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy and depression, loss of appetite, fever, difficulty breathing, color unreal mucosa, to darkening of color urine, etc.

In the event that we observe any of these symptoms, after having ingested onion or garlic, it is important to urgently go to the vet. The professional will administer treatment, since the more time that passes, the more difficult it will be to put the appropriate measures.

Analysis of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables can be used as a treat among cat food. But remember that the animal is a carnivore, so you have to put limitations.

It is common for kittens to like fruit and vegetables a lot, but even so, their intake should not be more than 10 or 15% of their daily diet. Your body does not need it as much as taurine (an amino acid found in animal protein that helps maintain healthy eyes, among other things).

  • The fruits

Among the most advisable fruits for your kitten are the apple, pear, melon, peach, strawberries and, of course, watermelon. As in the case of people, fruits are more interesting if they are in season.

The seeds of apples, plums and other fruits have a dose of cyanide. This could cause seizures and alterations of the nervous system in your pet.

  • Vegetables

The vegetables should be cooked before providing them to the animal so that they can digest them more easily. Among the most recommended would be peas, asparagus, lettuce, pumpkin, green beans, carrots and cucumbers.

As we have seen, onions, and also garlic, are the most dangerous for the cat.

Tomato is also harmful to our pussycat. This contains a very high level of acidity, causing an upset stomach in the animal.

As for the potato, because of its high starch content, it is very difficult for the cat to digest. That is why it is another of the foods of plant origin that should be avoided completely, as it causes stomach discomfort.

Also avocado, among the other cat foods, due to its persin component, is harmful to cats. It even endangers your life, as well as causing vomiting, diarrhea and discomfort.

Other cat foods


Chocolate is also not recommended for your cat. It contains a component called Theobromine, which can poison your friend. It could cause serious digestive, muscular, nervous and cardiac disorders.

Alcohol can also cause dangerous drops in blood glucose, blood pressure, and body temperature.

Raw eggs have an enzyme called avidin. Giving your pet excessive amounts of raw egg white can cause a lack of biotin (vitamin B). It results in skin and hair problems.

As for raw fish, if this product is abused, it can also cause problems in the cat. The ideal is to cook it before, to destroy the enzyme “thiaminase”, very common in fish. This can cause loss of appetite, seizures and even the death of the kitten.

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