The Beauceron: Origin And Behavior

The beauceron is an imposing dog that exudes power, energetic and very intelligent; it is especially loved by women who yearn for a protective and at the same time kind dog
The beauceron: origin and behavior

The beauceron is a peculiar breed much better known in its region of origin than in the rest of the world. Still, this rustic-looking giant dog is a hard-working breed and useful in many tasks. Its name derives from the rural area La Beauce, located in the southwest of Paris, France.

It is inferred as an ancient and very traditional lineage of certain French regions, although its most remote history is unknown. Its records date back to the year 1560, when the skills of this dog as a shepherd and other rural jobs that required resistance and strength are evidenced.

It was assigned to military tasks as a result of the Second World War to transport the wounded, detect mines and explosives. They also used him to carry coded messages to the front lines. Thanks to his skills, he is currently used in the security forces as a police dog.

Recently there was no defined pattern of this breed and those with long and short fur, gray, fawn and black were included in the same group. Already in the twentieth century the anatomical characteristics that identify the beauceron of today are determined.

Good natured behavior of the beauceron

In essence, the Beauceron is a balanced and tenacious dog  that is reserved with strangers and jealous of its home and human family, which conditions it to be an excellent guardian. It is a strong dog, very active and courageous, as well as intelligent and determined. They are not usually aggressive and, although they bark at intruders, they turn out to be very noble in their daily dealings.

Beauceron: characteristics

They offer a lot of tolerance and patience to young children, especially if they are raised from puppies with them. However, it is wise to monitor him regularly when dealing with children. Your shepherd instinct can guide you to herd the little ones like a flock if you have not been educated effectively.

Another trait of his affability is evident in the treatment he gives to other animals such as cats, whom he will become friends with if they have been raised together. On the contrary, if you have never seen other types of pets, it is completely normal for you to go after them, but without trying to harm them: it is just a matter of curiosity.

They have an independent side that keeps them away when they know there is no danger, but they remain observant and alert to their surroundings.

Beauceron care and needs

Although the Beauceron fully enjoys sharing with its human family, it is important to remember that it has been a line of work. This dog  needs to keep busy, so taking walks that help him expend energy will help him maintain the calm and balance of a canine with his characteristics.

This is not a dog for any type of person. The ideal for him is rural life with a lot of outdoor space or, failing that, outings to exercise and stay agile and active. When this dog is locked up and alone, he will get stressed, try to run away, or become sad and heartbroken.

Beauceron: care

The beauceron has an intelligence by which it assimilates orders to perfection and understands what the owner expects of it. You will always challenge yourself to do your assigned tasks with care, which is why caring for a country house is ideal for your personality.

The high nutritional demands of a dog with its characteristics require a balanced diet. Providing them with a quality feed according to their age, and evaluating the general conditions of this, are the key to satisfying their needs. Treats are not recommended outside of the training stage, as some dogs of this breed tend to be overweight.

Beauceron Health

Any large breed dog can be susceptible to swelling from a sudden stomach condition and our friend’s health being compromised. It is prudent to take precautions that tell us how to proceed in cases of emergency.

This lineage is usually very healthy, so the considerations in this regard will be the same for any dog of similar physical and anatomical dimensions. Doing hip, heart rate and ophthalmic evaluations are essential.

Paying special attention to ears and teeth is a common practice in all breeds, as well as anticipation of possible skin allergies.

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