Why Is It Important To Trim Your Dog’s Nails

Why is it important to trim your dog's nails

Although many do not do it, trimming the nails of dogs is a very important activity, which offers your little friend more comfort to carry out their activities.

If you don’t know the reasons why you should do this, here are the most important ones to give you an idea of ​​the need for this act.

You facilitate their doggy life

dog gives paw

As you may know, these little four-legged friends are beings that are characterized by being extremely playful, so it is very common to see them play happily in the open air, running from one place to another, chasing something (or someone) or digging a hole. .

You don’t have to be a genius to guess that in such activities, it is very normal that residues of any kind tend to remain inside the canine’s nails, which is something that frequently happens when they are long and can cause infections that are sometimes painful. and dangerous.

Although you will not be able to prevent your dog from being in contact with said residues, it is of the utmost importance that you keep his nails short so that he can play and make his doggy life without any worry, even when rubbing wears them down and prevents them from growing with normal speed.

Likewise, when they are not long you can clean them more easily, which is something you should also do if you want your canine to have healthy and beautiful nails.

Trimming your nails prevents you from suffering painful injuries

This is another of the most important reasons, since when your dog has long nails, he tends to feel very uncomfortable and performs his activities in a more cautious way than normal, so he lives in a conditioned way so as not to suffer any harm.

One of the most common is when the nail breaks when being trapped in towels, blankets or different types of fabrics, which is extremely painful for the canine, and can generate heavy bleeding that in many cases produces a dangerous infection.

On the other hand, keeping them short is essential if your canine lives inside your house, since on many occasions it is common for them to slip when you clean the floor, a fact that can even generate fractures.

You avoid being incarnated

Although this may come as a surprise to some people, as in humans, canines can also have ingrown nails, which is something that only happens when they are long.

As you can imagine, this is something not only uncomfortable, but also very painful for our canines, especially when this situation has occurred after a trauma or injury, since in these cases the solution revolves around a surgical intervention.

How to cut my dog’s nails properly?

Knowing that this is something that is usually a bit difficult for many people, we will provide below a series of tips that will make this easy and effective:

Dog legs

  • In the first place, you must choose the moment in which your canine is most relaxed to proceed to cut its nails, since at this time they will pay more attention to you and will be less restless.
  • If bathing is not a problem for your little friend, the best thing to do is to bathe him before cutting his nails, as this will make them much softer.
  • Once you have done all this and are about to start, you should hold his paw firmly to prevent him from making any sudden movements. Although it may seem obvious, it is worth noting that you should not apply a lot of force, since they can feel pain and will react aggressively.
  • Avoid cutting the raw flesh near your nail, otherwise this can cause heavy bleeding.
  • Gradually and carefully trim the end of the nail down to the raw flesh.
  • Congratulate and give affection to your canine once you have finished, since this way he will feel calm and you will prevent him from feeling rejection in this type of situation.

If you follow each of these tips, trimming your furry companion’s nails will be a piece of cake.

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