Reasons Why Cats Scratch Furniture

Scratching is a natural behavior for felines, but when they do it on home furniture this can be a problem. Here’s why cats scratch furniture and how to fix it.
Reasons why cats scratch furniture

One of the main reasons that a potential guardian is reluctant to have a cat is their nails. Felines that scratch furniture can do so for several reasons, since scratching is a natural behavior, but we can redirect scratches to the ideal places for it.

Do you know why cats scratch home furniture? Do you know how to remedy this situation? If the answer to both questions is no, here we tell you.

Why do cats scratch furniture?

Using nails is a natural behavior for cats. Suppressing or trying to eliminate this behavior goes against the animal welfare of the species.

Cats scratch furniture or any other surface for several reasons:

  • To mark the territory with pheromones that are secreted through the glands found in the interdigital spaces. The mark they leave on the scratched surface is also a form of visual marking. In nature, scratch and urine marking informs another individual of its presence without the need to provoke an encounter.
  • To wear out your nails. With daily scratching they file and polish their nails.
  • To stretch your muscles. By leaning on the surface to be scratched, they stretch their back, paws and claws.

Sometimes, we can see an expense go to your scratcher after a situation of stress or excitement, as this is a perfect way to release energy.

Why do cats scratch furniture?

Normally, scratching sites are within or on the periphery of the cat’s usual territory and next to resting places.

If the cat does not have any suitable object at home to carry out this behavior, it will end up doing it in any vertical place it finds, such as the sofa, the curtains, the wall … Furthermore, it will always choose the same object to do it again.

Punishment, which is contraindicated in pet learning, moving things around or replacing objects will not solve the problem. You have to stop it as we tell you below.

How to prevent the cat from scratching the furniture

The way to prevent the animal from causing damage to the domestic furniture will depend, to a large extent, on the age of the cat and the length of time it has been in the home. There are various scenarios to consider.

When the cat comes home for the first time

To prevent the new cat from scratching the home furniture from a young age, it is advisable to acquire a suitable scratching post:

  • The scratchers must be stable, that they do not move if the animal climbs on them.
  • Tall enough to lean on (over 30cm). The grain direction of the fabric should be vertical, but there are cats who prefer horizontal surfaces.
  • The most used material is usually strings, but there are also wooden and cardboard scrapers. The latter are the favorites of many felines, but the former can be easily replaced by changing the strings when they are very worn.

To encourage the cat to scratch, we can impregnate the scratching post with catnip (a natural plant that pleases and calms felines), place it in a room where there are no more objects to scratch, or buy one big enough for all felines to use. if there is more than one at home.

When the cat already scratches the furniture

This is more complicated, but not impossible. To redirect the scratch we can cover the object that the animal scratches with some protective material in a way that changes the texture for the cat. In addition, scratch repellent sprays are currently marketed that we can apply to furniture that the animal insists on scratching.

At the same time that we prevent it from scratching the furniture again, we will try to redirect the scratch to a scratching post , which we will place near the area that the cat used to scratch.

Pheromones can help us redirect scratches to the scraper. There are dosers of the hormone that attracts cats to scratch that we can use to scratch the new scratcher. Cats scratch furniture, usually because they don’t have anything else. If we provide them with a better solution, it is never too late for them to change.

A cat's claw up close.

We can also use the catnip  to make the new scraper more attractive. Testing with different types of scratchers for the cat to choose from is also essential. Once you choose your favorite, you will always scratch on it.

Each cat has its preferences regarding which surfaces to jump, scratch, hide … observing its habitual behavior at home will give us clues as to which scratcher can convince it in the long run.

A problem based on lack of activity

If none of the above strategies work and the animal tends to scratch and mark everything in the house, it may be necessary to consult a feline ethologist or go to the vet.

Chronic stress can change the behavior of the animal and aggravate the problems that the cat already has. Therefore, providing adequate environmental enrichment in the home from the beginning is essential.

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