Cage For Gerbils: How To Choose It

Cage for gerbils: how to choose it?

When we adopt a pet, there are many needs that we must cover. Sometimes we are informed on how to do it, other times, we need a little help. For example, how to choose a cage for gerbils? We give you some tips.

We must bear in mind that a cage will be the house, the home of your pet. Therefore, it is extremely important to acquire one that has what your pet really needs. Making an investment that will later be useless because you will have to buy another is not worth it. So that you don’t make mistakes, we give you some tips.

Make no mistake when choosing a cage for gerbils

We must understand that all pets, including the gerbil, have uhh natural habitat. So when we adopt one, we must do our best to give it a place that is as close to its natural habitat as possible. In it, basic hygiene rules must be met and the animal must always find food and water.

Types of cage for gerbils

There are different types of cage that we can choose from. These are the most common:

Gerbil eating

  • Cage. This is your typical hamster cage with bars and a plastic bottom tray. Without a doubt, it is the option that will cost you the least money, but it will also be the one that generates the most dirt. think that gerbils, like rodents that they are, dig, and this type of cage allows all the substrate to go outside. On the other hand, it is possible, rather safe, that they bite the bars, and could cause occasional damage.
  • Aquarius. A long fish tank can be turned into a gerbil terrarium. Obviously, if we do it, it will be very cheap, although we can also get one second-hand. The only thing you will have to be careful with is the lid, as it must have one or more ventilation openings.
  • Terrarium. Also a reptile terrarium is a good option as a cage for gerbils. Of course, it has the disadvantage of being more expensive, although if you decide on it, you will not regret it. The only disadvantage is that they are heavy and that it is difficult to put the drinker and the feeder. For the rest, it is one of the most recommended cage options for gerbils.

What things to take into account when purchasing a cage for gerbils?

Without a doubt, when talking about important things in a cage for gerbils, the first place is occupied by space. A gerbil is lively and mischievous, so it will need space in which to move and carry out its antics. They have needs such as going around, digging, or running. For this, you will need space.

If a gerbil does not have enough space to develop, it can suffer from several problems, such as:

  • Compulsive behaviors such as repetitive scratching of walls, compulsive digging in corners, obsession with gnawing on the terrarium or cage, or an excessive interest in hygiene that could cause problems with the skin, tail and feet.
  • Social instability. You already know that gerbils must live in communes, because being alone pushes them to depression and behavior problems. If there isn’t enough room in the cage for everyone, they may start fighting for territory.
  • Depression and stress. If gerbils don’t have enough room to move around, they could be unhappy or even depressed. You could start off not wanting to eat a lot, sleep little, and end up becoming irritable and less docile.
  • Cannibalism. If your gerbils have had babies, they may resort to cannibalism for more space if there isn’t enough for everyone.

    These have been our tips for you to choose the best cage for gerbils and thus ensure that your pets are happy and have everything they need.

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