Dogs Can Heal Children’s Physical Pain

Dogs can heal children's physical pain

Throughout history the relationship between dogs and children has been more beautiful and close than any other. E l man ‘s best friend has always gotten along well with small house.

However, far from being reduced only to mental or emotional issues, it has been shown that canines can even provide benefits to the health of children, who develop any type of illness, the product of a problem related to stress, they can be healed by these four-legged friends.

This was discovered by the General Hospital of Villalba, corresponding to the city of Madrid. They have recently released this discovery that has generated a lot of surprise, we will talk about it in this article.

Therapy for children


The aforementioned medical center has been conducting a series of studies through which it has been concluded that child patients who present severe abdominal pain, caused by stress, can be treated through therapy with dogs.

The effectiveness of such treatment is even greater in cases in which the little ones suffer from irritable bowel, caused by stressful situations such as problems in the academic institution or at home.

As Miguel Ángel Carro, the main researcher of these studies, has declared, the hypothesis that they handle about said therapy with animals is that it can potentially improve the quality of life of younger patients by reducing pain.

Sessions with street canines

Although it may come as a surprise to some people, the canines that participated in these studies were not exactly the Border Collie, German Shepherd or Labrador Retriever breeds,  known to be the most intelligent and the ones that get along best with the little ones in the house. .

And it is that they were stray dogs that the specialists chose for the implementation of the project. For that they proceeded to walk through the streets of the Spanish capital to pick up some of these canines and take them to the workplace. There they participated in the project with three or four children who came accompanied by their parents.

However, the truth is that although they are canines that live on the streets, the specialists decided that they should have a series of specific characteristics to be able to carry out the experiment, to avoid any type of inconvenience and achieve the best results. These were the following:

  • Be canines in good health and without any type of disease that could put their life or that of the patients at risk.
  • Be calm dogs, without any history of violence or aggression.
  • Being used to contact with children.

Improvement in academic performance

Autor: nicolas michaud
Author: nicolas michaud

Far from having come to an end, the sessions in which these tests are carried out continue to be given weekly in the hospital, lasting 45 minutes.  In them, both the children and their parents are listened to to determine the reasons for the stress they are suffering.

Although it was known that contact with other children is important to socialize, living with some animals, such as dogs, is so decisive that it even considerably reduces different types of phobias and stress, so any type of pain generated by this the latter will also be reduced.

Most incredible of all, this therapy has proven to be so efficient that patients, when treated with it, have shown an incredible improvement in academic performance.

As you can see, man’s best friend is not only that of children, but it also turns out to be one of the best remedies against stress and its terrible consequences.

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