6 Tips For The Arrival Of The Puppies

Some of the keys to the arrival of the puppies are related to their curiosity, socialization and feeding, as well as their learning to relieve themselves in the right place.
6 tips for the arrival of puppies

Adopting a pet is a really wonderful thing. In most cases we take them home when they are little and the first few days can be a bit chaotic. In this article we will give you some tips for the arrival of the puppies.

The arrival of the puppies, what to do and what not to do

Puppies are really adorable, cuddly and bring out the best in us, but they can also be a bit tricky during the early stages of their life. We have to teach them many things and, in addition, they have to adapt to their new home.

The arrival of the puppies is a moment of great joy, a before and after in our life, although it is true that sometimes it can become a ‘nightmare’ if we are not sure what to do with them. Pay attention to these tips:

1. Let me sniff it all

The first thing the dog will do when he arrives at his new home is to inspect … He will sniff in every corner and will enter places where sometimes he will not be able to go out alone. You must allow him to sniff and know the spaces of the home, even those environments that are prohibited from entering, such as our bedroom.

2. Allows socialization

It is true that puppies can be somewhat vulnerable to disease up to four months of age and, therefore, veterinarians do not recommend that they go outside. Of course, once this stage is through it is essential that they make contact with other domestic animals.

In the event that there are pets at home before the arrival of the puppies, we must allow them to get to know each other from the first moment. How? Making the relevant presentations.


This means placing them facing each other with you close enough to avoid potential fights. There may be several tries before they become friends: it all depends on the personality of each animal, but do not stop doing it so that they get along from the beginning.

3. Offer him a personal space

This means that when you bring a dog or cat home it must have its own bed or something that it can consider as ‘its own’. Determine in which sector you will sleep, where you will eat, etc. We also recommend that you receive him with a toy, so he will realize that he is in a pleasant and fun place.

4. Beware of traumatic separation

In most cases, the cubs have spent their entire short life in the company of their mother and some siblings. It is likely that until a few hours ago they slept receiving the warmth of their dog family. However, now that they have been adopted by humans, they will have to offer them similar conditions for their rest and well-being.

This does not mean that you have the obligation to take him to sleep with you in bed, or that you stay by his side all day, but it does mean that you offer him a comfortable mattress, a blanket to cover him and some company until he gets used to it. to your new home.

Some people decide to adopt a pet when they are on vacation from work or college so they can spend more time with it. Little by little they leave the house so that the animal does not miss them so much.

5. Feed him according to his requirements

The vet will tell you how many times a day and the rations of feed that the puppy should receive. The usual thing is that they eat four times a day and, of course, that they never lack fresh water.

Learning from a puppy

6. Teach him to relieve himself

Arguably, this is the most complicated thing with the arrival of the puppies, since it is likely that until now they urinated and defecated anywhere or very close to where their mother was.

Since at first you cannot take him out on the street, you will have to determine an ‘allowed’ place where he can relieve himself and teach him to respect it. It can be the bathroom, the laundry room, the balcony or the patio.

A good technique so that you only use those ‘toilets’ is the following: lift the excrement with a plastic bag and take it to the chosen site. So you know that this is the right place. For the urine you can place newspaper that absorbs. Do not forget to clean the forbidden area well to remove the odor and prevent it from returning there the next time it wants to ‘go to the bathroom’.

Keep in mind that the first days will not comply with all the rules. You must have a lot of patience and teach him with severity and at the same time with love. Remember that he is not doing anything on purpose and that he is learning to live. Once you get used to it, everything will be easier.

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