Canine Agility: Training And Nutrition

To enjoy 100% canine agility, apart from training and dedicating time to it, you must take good care of your diet
Canine agility: training and nutrition

Every day it is more common to share a sports hobby with your dog, something that benefits both of you and helps strengthen ties between you. Canine agility is one of the most demanding disciplines you can do with your pet, but one of the most rewarding.

The physical activity carried out in this sport is very intense and you will soon be in good shape, especially your dog. Long hours of training are very important to achieve satisfactory results, but nutrition is not far behind, and we must prepare the animal for those exercise sessions, even if for this it is only a game.

Canine agility training

For your dog to enjoy canine agility, regular training should be carried out in specialized centers with canine educators. A professional is able to bring out the best in the animal much earlier and in a more fun way for the animal, since it is never stimulated with physical punishment.

It is important to ensure that animals under a year and a half do not engage in these types of activities, as their bones and joints are not 100% formed and could be seriously injured. Until that age, the animal must learn by playing and with moderate activities.

Canine agility training

Avoid as much as possible training outside the canine club, since the famous dog parks that have been established in all cities are not prepared for canine agility in particular, but for animals to play. The lack of soft surfaces and rigid obstacles can take their toll on the animal’s joints.

For the dog to engage in this discipline and enjoy it, it must be educated with rewards, never with punishment or scolding. The only thing that is achieved with bad habits is that the dog does not want to practice and is distracted by everything around him.

As you can imagine, getting the dog to do the exercises takes many hours and effort, and nobody gets him to link one exercise after another from the beginning. In order for the animal to get used to the different exercises, they must be worked on separately; later we will practice the order.

Another thing that we must take into account is not to insist too much with the same exercise. If the dog gets tired of trying it unsuccessfully, it will tend to lose focus and lose interest; it will be fine.

Agility with border collie


To perform canine agility, also called agility,  the animal must eat a slightly different diet than a more sedentary dog. In order for the dog to sit up with enough energy, and its muscles to perform properly, the diet must meet a series of requirements:

  • The first thing is that the typical feed that is given to dogs is not as complete a food as it is painted, and it will not provide the animal with the quantity and quality of nutrients it needs.
  • Introduce natural foods : shortly after including raw and natural foods in the diet of a dog that practices canine agility, there is a difference in terms of physical power and performance. Oral diseases are reducing and the animal looks happier and more active.
  • Include feed with a high protein level and a level of fat content and, if possible, that is animal fat. Feed with traces of fish are very good because they include omega-3 fatty acids and promote the recovery of the animal.

    In no case should we give our dog calcium supplements to strengthen his bones, since the excess of this mineral can cause very negative effects and cause long-term injuries.

    It is also not advisable to feed the dog with the well-known high-energy feeds, since they usually contain high levels of fat, which would cause the animal to fatten. To carry out a sporting activity, the best allies to give your pet energy are carbohydrates.

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