A Baby Kangaroo Is Adopted At An Australian Police Station

Baby kangaroo adopted at Australian police station

We always say that animals never cease to amaze us, but some humans don’t, this time for the better. This story is one more example that with love you can achieve anything and that animals do not understand colors or appearances. This is the endearing story of Cuejo, a baby kangaroo.

The story of Cuejo, the baby kangaroo

In Australia, where this particular species lives, there are thousands of signs on its roads that indicate danger, and that force us to slow down because at the most unexpected moment a kangaroo can pass us.

And is that kangaroos are a highly protected species in Australia, hence they are not in danger of extinction, at least for now.

The abuses of these animals on the road are not common, but Cuejo’s mother, the baby kangaroo, did not suffer the same fate.

She was hit by a truck and she was killed on the spot, although Cuejo appears to have come out of the bag on impact or perhaps was behind her. Be that as it may, when the police arrived at the scene of the accident, Cuejo was still there with his mother’s body.

Scott Mason was one of the agents who intervened in the accident and picked up Cuejo to take him to the police station until he knew what they would do with him and decide which would be the best center to take him.

Kangaroo baby finds a new home

Fuente de la imagen: www.eldia.com
Image Source: www.eldia.com

There were not many decisions to be made because Cuejo did not take many minutes to decide who his new mother would be and the chosen one was… Sorry, the chosen one was… Scott Mason. And is that Cuejo, the baby kangaroo, began to use Scott’s shirts as a marsupial bag and seemed to be very comfortable, in addition to the fact that the gesture did not seem to displease Scott.

Cuejo jumped and jumped following Scott around the police station, no matter where he went, if up the stairs or the elevator, there was Scott’s new “son”.

Scott asked for help on social media to find a name for his new little friend. The name used was Cuejo, according to close sources a mix between Cue (the town where the police station where he resides) and Joey (this is not very clear to us why).

There was no other remedy that the authorities allowed Cuejo and Scott to be together. Cuejo seemed happy, and Scott, as you will see in the video that we share below, also seems very happy.

The purpose of this coexistence is not for Cuejo to be the mascot of the police station, far from it, but for him to grow up healthy and can soon be free again, when he is prepared for life outside the walls of his new home, the police station of Cue .

There are very tender images of this new daddy with his baby in which they are seen together, the baby taking a bottle or inside the uniform shirts of his new “mother.

And is that Scott has felt responsible at all times for Cuejo and has never complained about the responsibility involved in taking care of an animal like this, but quite the opposite, both in the video and in the images he is always seen smiling giving understand that he does this work with joy and not with sighs.

We are delighted that there are still wonderful people in the world like Scott Mason who take responsibility for the lives of other living beings who also deserve it. I wish there were more people like him on the planet!

Cuejo’s attitude towards Scott also teaches us something: animals are not born with fear of us, that fear grows when they see that we want to harm them. Love can do everything, love never fails. This story is one more example that if we changed the engine of the world, money, for love, everything would be very different not only between people but also between people and animals.

Here we leave you the video, enjoy!

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