Telephone Numbers And Other Contact Information To Seek Animal Justice

How to go to court to report cases of abandonment or mistreatment of animals? These animal justice contact information will help us to collaborate in avoiding this type of situation
Telephones and other contact information to procure animal justice

Fortunately, our societies have become increasingly committed to the protection and welfare of animals. Little by little, we understand that each citizen can be an actor or collaborator of animal justice, by denouncing cases of mistreatment, abandonment or cruelty towards animals.

How to recognize cruelty and animal abuse?

Animal justice in Spain still does not have a framework law at the national level, which determines what animal abuse is and what are the penalties applicable to each case. However, the autonomous communities can establish their own regulations in this regard.

Likewise, cruelty to domestic animals is dealt with in the Spanish Civil Code. More specifically, its article 337 provides for the possibility of sentencing with a penalty of three months and one day to one year in prison, anyone who:

After the incorporation of article 337 bis, the abandonment of animals on public roads is also considered mistreatment. The CCAA have also been establishing more severe penalties for those who abandon their pets. In Madrid fines can reach € 45,000; in Murcia, they go up to 30,000 euros and in Catalonia they can be up to 20,000 euros.

Abandonment of dogs

Unfortunately, there are still not so many prevention and incentive campaigns to report the mistreatment of wild animals. But the Spanish Penal Code provides for the application of prison sentences of six months to two years to anyone who:

In addition, it is determined that the same penalties may be applied to those who seriously alter or destroy the habitat of wildlife in Spain.

How to report abuse to act on animal justice?

At present, animal justice has been managing to enable new ways to report abuse and neglect, for which it benefits from technological advances. In addition to recognizing complaints in person and by phone, it is also possible to use apps and websites to alert the competent authorities about abuse and cruelty to animals.

Abuse in animal shelters

Report animal abuse in person

The best way to report animal abuse is to personally go to the competent authorities in your country or region. In Spain, it is possible to appear before the police, municipalities, the Civil Guard or a court and request the registration of the complaint in writing.

If possible, it is advisable to accompany the statement with photos, videos or testimonies that prove the abuse suffered by the animal. Some basic information about the person or establishment reported, such as name and address, is also likely to be requested.

Report cruelty to animals by phone

Likewise, it is possible to go to the animal justice system to report the mistreatment or abandonment of animals by telephone. To do this, it will be necessary to call the specific number dedicated to this purpose in your country, city or region. Here are the numbers to report animal abuse in Spain, Argentina and Mexico:


  • Emergencies (pets): 112
  • SEPRONA (wild animals): 062


  • Emergencies: 911
  • Argentine National Gendarmerie: 4310-2589
  • Orientation and complaint units: 4011-1400
  • Public Prosecutor’s Office of the City of Buenos Aires: 0800-333-47225 (for residents of CABA)


  • Animal Surveillance Brigade: 5208-9898
  • Environmental Attorney and Territorial Planning: 5265-0780

New technologies to trigger animal justice and report abuse

Since 2014, in Spain there is the possibility of reporting animal abuse and abandonment through the ‘Yo Denuncio’ platform. Thanks to the permanent efforts of the Animalista Party, the platform has become a reference for the use of new technologies to monitor and give visibility to cases of violence against animals.

In addition, the Animal Justice and Defense Observatory has also announced the launch of ‘Animal Alert’, a platform dedicated to the prevention, awareness and fight against animal abuse. In it, citizens will be able to make anonymous complaints to alert experts and collaborate with animal justice.

In Argentina, citizens residing in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires can already report Animal abuse through the website It is expected that, as soon as possible, a similar tool will also be enabled for the other provinces of the country.

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