How To Know If A Breeder Is Trustworthy

They do not seek profit at the expense of the exploitation of a female, but rather try to preserve the standards of the breeds by the admiration they have for that dog
How to know if a breeder is trustworthy

Dog breeders have existed throughout history throughout the world. Although we support adoption as the main way to have a pet, in this article we will talk a little about the aspects that make a breeder recognized.

The mission of the breeders

A breeder is that person dedicated to the development of a specific animal species. There are those that raise horses, dogs, cats, birds of all kinds, even fish of any type of environment. To do this, the breeder uses his intuition, his knowledge and the physical appearance of the animal to work.

It is very recurrent to see these people establish themselves in a place with very specific hygienic conditions, where the safety, compliance, and health of the animals are guaranteed. The facilities must have a veterinary care unit, or failing that, have an office nearby.


The specimens with which these individuals work must demonstrate excellent health and present the most emblematic characteristics of the species. Animals with visual defects or alterations in their behavior that are not suitable and that disqualify the animal are not allowed.

Breeders do not breed their animals all the time as many people believe. They take  into account many factors during the mating process, from the female’s consent to the dream to her relationship with the stallion to be crossed.

They don’t do it for profit

A good part of the breeders do it for the love of the breed;  This is why they strive with great effort and pride to preserve and care for their animals. However, there are people who play with animals as objects,  so we advise you to verify the reputation and condition of the animals before proceeding with any process.

Abandonment of dogs in 2015

You must remember that accredited breeders issue a certificate indicating the breed, weight, health status and perhaps some prediction about the behavior or growth of the animal in question.

Not all are suitable to be breeders

The people in charge of these sites are individuals specialized in the breed, because they know like the back of their hand the characteristics, defects and advantages that a breed may present throughout its life. The monetary incentive is present, of course it is, but it is their love for the breed that motivates them to be breeders.

For this task, they are required to control and manage the classification table of the International Cynological Federation (FCI), in collaboration with the organization in charge of classifying the country’s animals; as in the case of our country, the so-called Royal Canine Society of Spain.

Boxer puppies

The breeder must have knowledge about the psychology of the breed to work with, along with its history, diseases and behavior. In the same way, this person must have leadership attitudes, not only to control the herd in their care, but to manage the appropriate place to carry out this activity.

The breeder, on the other hand, must select the best specimens and  look for the most trained personnel to help him keep the place in perfect condition. In addition, the job of this person is to train their staff about the breeding and care of the species to work.

How is the crossing process for breeders

During the heat of the females, those that alter the good behavior of the herd are separated in pens different from that of the males to avoid accidents. For the crossing to take place effectively, the breeder must ensure that a series of conditions are met  that the crossing is made properly.

Labrador Retrievers

The FCI has specific guidelines for these crosses to be fulfilled, which are specified in:

  • Determine the conditions under which the crossing will take place.
  • In the event of a crossing outside the kennel, determine the area, ensure safety and ensure that it is in impeccable condition.
  • If the dog causes damage, the breeder must bear the costs. Similarly, you must take care of the transport of the animal.
  • Only a stallion can be crossed with the desired bitch. If the stallion does not wish to mate with said bitch, it cannot be crossed with another stallion, unless there is a prior agreement between the owners.
  • With regard to the offspring of the bitch, the owner of the stallion will not have any rights over any puppy, unless there is a prior agreement.
  • In the event that the mating is unsuccessful, the owner of the stallion is free to choose between a free mating or compensation for the mating performed.

If you have come this far, you should not miss these Golden Retriever breeders. It is worth exploring their entire page, where you will see the birth of the puppies.

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