6 Tips To Gain Your Dog’s Trust

6 tips to gain your dog's trust

The process of gaining your dog’s trust is very revealing. In principle, it is necessary for the owner and dog to commit and learn to have more confidence in themselves. All this to generate the desired results.

Imitations and stimuli

Mimicry between pets and masters is not a popular myth. Dogs and cats, mainly in the first weeks of their life, absorb the stimuli around them to establish their notions of coexistence. That is why an abused animal is scared or aggressive; it is your self-defense mechanism.

These facts reaffirm that human beings must reinforce self-confidence in order to transmit this behavior to a dog. Humoral or behavioral alterations are easily perceived by the heightened senses of animals. Either by the tone of voice or by the corporal expression of their owners.

Before following the 6 tips to gain your dog’s trust, it is essential to pay attention to your own way of being and taking life. Balancing routine and feeling better is a matter of investing in healthier habits.

How to proceed to gain your dog’s trust?

Gaining your dog’s trust doesn’t happen spontaneously overnight. It is true that there are more sociable races that tend to trust faster. But the general rule of thumb for establishing a relationship based on trust is to apply work and dedication.

Specialists usually divide the most insecure dogs into 2 groups. The first covers timid or fearful dogs, while the second asks respect for the so-called “omega dogs”. The difference is basically the cause of the loss of confidence in yourself and in others.

Shy or fearful dogs are very scared when exposed to social interaction. This is due to 3 reasons:

  • To who suffered physical, verbal or emotional abuse in the past.
  • It may be that they were not socialized properly.
  • It may also be that they do not usually live with other animals and people or do not vary in environment.

It is fairly easy to recognize the signs of this behavior. Shy dogs have a C-shaped body arch. That is, ears attached to the head, a fleeting gaze and a tail between the legs when they meet other animals.

Omega dogs are those with the most submissive behavior. Among other things because they already occupied this role of less authority in their herd or group of initial coexistence. In this case, the animal is more easily tame and builds self-confidence from the proper leadership of the human alpha.

6 tips to guide your efforts and gain your dog’s trust

  1. Early and proper socialization

Socialization teaches an animal to interact peacefully with humans and other animals. This greatly reduces the likelihood of aggressive behavior and improves your confidence.

Ideally, begin socialization between 4 and 20 weeks of age. At this time the animal creates its first coexistence skills. But you can also socialize adult dogs with greater caution.

Social stimuli must be proposed gradually. At first, the puppy should be introduced to only one dog in a friendly environment. Then other factors can be incorporated into the coexistence and start the walks in the street.

  1. Regular visits to the vet

Dogs can react aggressively or feel vulnerable when affected by some diseases. Therefore, it is important to periodically go to the vet and perform the appropriate analyzes to prevent any undesirable condition for the health of your dog. Only a healthy dog ​​is capable of feeling safe.

  1. Balanced diet

In addition to visits to the vet, a proper and balanced diet is essential to strengthen the dog’s body. This will help you feel more confident about your own abilities. The diet must be tailored to the needs of each animal, be it due to its age, size, daily habits or specific health conditions.

  1. Physical exercises and regular walks

Physical activities are the ideal complement for a balanced diet in all species. Many animals are depressed when they are subjected to sedentary lifestyle. Others do not have the possibility of developing their capacity for coexistence because they never walk and change their environment.

  1. Play

Playing is a great way to boost a dog’s ability to integrate and exercise it mentally. In addition, it is an opportunity to improve the relationship between master and pet, sharing moments of fun and relaxation.

  1. Treat well and give love

Every living thing needs to be treated well to create good self-esteem. A dog needs to feel loved to promote his self-confidence.

Animals can make mistakes and have their own learning time. Using positive reinforcement to reward appropriate behaviors is the best method.

Therefore, to gain the trust of your dog it is essential to give love and be patient when teaching.

Main image source: Segundo Sánchez

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