5 Different Breeds Of Greyhound

With well-differentiated coats and features, these dogs have in common a light physique and long legs, with which they are capable of reaching around 50 km / h.
5 different breeds of greyhound

We all know what kind of dog a greyhound is, but did you know that there are different varieties and that they are very different between them? We talk about which are the best known greyhound breeds and what their characteristics are like.

The different breeds of greyhound

Afghan greyhound

This is one of the most striking greyhounds (photo that opens this article) for its very long hair, which stands out from any other characteristic of its body. His hair is smooth and silky, with a bright golden color. Although this may seem like an impediment to doing your job, it is not at all.

This animal is capable of reaching 60 km / h and I was able to jog at about 20 km / h indefinitely. It comes from Afghanistan, as its name suggests, and until recently it was almost impossible to have a specimen of this breed, as ancient civilizations considered it one of the national treasures.

In fact, all the Afghan dogs that were in the country were owned by the monarch, until they came to the British hills and imported them to their country, from where they spread throughout the West.

Russian greyhound

If there is an elegant, tall and thin greyhound with a demeanor that attracts everyone’s eyes, this is the Russian greyhound. It is also known by the name of Borzoi and was for years the dog of Tsars and Russian nobles, who used it to hunt wolves.

Greyhound breeds: Russian

In addition to wolves, they also hunted hares, with which we can get an idea of ​​the speed that this dog was capable of reaching. However, despite her abilities, her beauty was what the monarchs most admired and, therefore, she was part of their palaces.

It is speculated that this breed arose from a cross with the Arabian greyhounds, especially when observing their hair, which covers it in colder climates.

Greyhound Azawakh

This greyhound comes from Africa, from one of the areas near the desert. It is believed that he was raised by the Tuareg tribe. It is used for hunting rabbits and hares thanks to the fact that it can reach speeds of up to 40 km / h.

Greyhound breeds Azawakh

Unlike other greyhound breeds, this one is taller than it is long. It was, as happened with the Afghan greyhound, for years, a symbol of the tribe, which is why its sale or export was never considered  until in the 70s, that it could be introduced in Europe. This happened thanks to a hunter who saved the tribe from an elephant attack and, as a gift, they gave him a pair of this greyhound.

Scottish greyhound

Apparently it does not look like a greyhound, and it could only be noticed by its long legs and slender body, so its appearance is at least peculiar. For years it was used in Scotland to hunt deer and wild boar thanks not only to its speed, but also to its strength.

Greyhound breeds: Scottish

It is not very well known where the first specimens of this greyhound came from, as some believe they were brought to Scotland by the Phoenicians, while others think they were the Celts.

Her long hair appears to have been masterfully created to ward off the cold Scottish winters. Curiously, the long hair on its body is not present on the lower part of its legs, which are bald, as happens with sheep for example.

Greyhound banjara

This may be one of the most unknown breeds of greyhound, as it comes from Banjara, in India, the only place where it seems to be known. Many even believe that it cannot yet be considered a breed.

Razas de galgo: banjara
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/

Its long, tall and slender appearance leaves no doubt that it is a greyhound, but on its face there are some characteristics that warn of a cross with another breed, which is why many really doubt its origin. Either way, his speed and skills have earned him a place among the most famous greyhound breeds.

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