What Do I Do If My Son Wants A Pet For Kings?

Of course, children are curious about having a pet; however, we must lay the foundations not to incur in the ‘mistreatment’ of the animal or in abandonment, more common than we think because we do not take into account our needs or lifestyle
What do I do if my son wants a pet for kings?

During childhood,  children begin to show curiosity for nature and, mainly, for animals. And it may be perfectly possible that your child wants to choose a pet for kings as his ideal gift. What to do then?

The importance of awareness

It is logical that we all want to please our children and see them happy with our gifts and pampering. However, we cannot allow a fleeting whim or desire to jeopardize the well-being of a living being.

Needless to say, many pets end up being abandoned. This is the sad consequence of the fact that their owners lost interest in caring for them or that they are unable to maintain them.

Animals, like us, are living beings endowed with intelligence, language and feelings. They require specific care – they vary according to each species – and they deserve to receive a healthy and happy upbringing. Providing optimal conditions for the development of our pet is not an alternative, and it is a responsibility.

Clarification with the little ones: a dog is not a toy

Therefore, before giving a pet for kings, it is important to talk honestly with the children. It is important that we expose the care that the animal needs, the time it requires, its life expectancy, etc. In this way, we will get children to understand that a pet is not a disposable toy, and that having them is not a hobby .

It is also essential that we analyze our lifestyle before giving in to your request. When we decide to host an animal in our home, it is our responsibility, as adults, to provide adequate care.

As much as children are committed to taking care of their new pet, they will not be able to do everything on their own. Therefore, we will need to dedicate part of our time and budget to the new member of the family.

A pet for kings: how to choose?

It is important to know that each animal is better adapted to a certain space, lifestyle, climate, etc. To guide the choice of the ideal pet for your family, it is often useful to draw a brief profile that contains:

  • The personality of the child and the other members of the family.
  • The free time that each person can dedicate to the pet.
  • The space available in your home.
  • Expectations about the new pet; decide if we expect a more affectionate or more independent animal, more active or calmer, etc.
  • Take into account if the child or another relative has any allergies, respiratory or dermatological problems: to opt for hypoallergenic breeds, for example.
  • The climate of your city and the adaptive capacity of the pet.
Perro con un niƱo en el cesped
Source: Chris_Parfitt

In general, dogs tend to be more dependent on their owners. They require more time and willingness to exercise, play, as well as educate and socialize properly.

Some differences with cats

Cats are more independent by nature, and tend to adapt very well to confined environments;  but they also require due attention with their physical and cognitive stimulation to stay healthy. In addition, they can be demanding regarding their food, hygiene and socialization.

Not necessarily your child’s ideal pet should be a cat or dog. If we have little time and space or a very hectic routine, we may prefer a smaller animal that requires little daily care: a hamster or a turtle, for example.

Why buy when you can adopt?

When animal life is treated as a commodity, the consequences are serious for its health and development.  Many animals historically suffer physical and emotional mutilations to fulfill aesthetic standards or functions of fighting and forced labor.

These ‘adaptations’ to human whims occur in the case of breeds such as cocker spaniel, rottweiler, dogo argentino, doberman, american pitbull, and many others.

By adopting, we help combat the countless abusive practices that continue to prevail in the animal buying and selling market. In addition, we chose to give a second chance to millions of animals that were abandoned and abused.

Therefore, adopting is an act that allows many animals to know for the first time the love and affection of a family ; and it is that adoption fosters awareness and respect for animal life. It is a relationship of mutual and selfless cooperation, as any and all love relationship should be.

So instead of buying, why not adopt a pet for kings? Adopted or mongrel animals are capable of learning and giving love like any purebred dog

In addition, they will be eternally grateful and will be able to teach a lot about life to a child.

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