What Care Does A Lovebird Need At Home?

What care does a lovebird need at home?

Today we are going to talk about one of the most beautiful and interesting birds in the world: the Agapornis .  These small multi-colored birds originate from the African continent. Due to their monogamy and fidelity, they are also known as Inseparables or Parrots of love . Here  we tell you everything you need to know about their care if you choose them as pets.

Interesting facts about the Agapornis

The word Agapornis comes from two Greek terms. On the one hand, agape  means ‘love’ or ‘affection’. Ornis , meanwhile, means ‘bird’. Its name seems to be a good synthesis to define this  species of small parrots with a short tail and a beautiful color in their feathers. Certainly these animals spend a lot of time in pairs and it is common to see them grooming each other or being snuggled next to each other.

The lovebird stands out for its plumage of various colors

It is a psittaciform bird that lives in different regions of Africa.  However, due to its great attractiveness and beauty, it is very common for it to be bred in captivity in various parts of the world. It has an average size of between 12.5 and 15 centimeters and a life expectancy of between 10 and 15 years.

Their legs are very versatile and they use them to take food. Of course, like any parrot worth its salt, the Agapornis can imitate different sounds.

Learn about the care these exotic birds need

If you have decided to have a pair of Lovebirds as a pet -because the idea is that you have the couple- or they have been given to you, the ideal is that you provide them with all the necessary care so that they are raised properly.

The first and foremost thing is that you buy  a cage as spacious as possible so that these birds can, at least, flap their wings or make small flights. Ideally, the bars should be horizontal, as this will allow them to climb freely.

And, of course, you have to place them in a ventilated space that mimics the tropical climate from which they come. This can be achieved by placing an extra light nearby and avoiding extreme changes in temperature or exposure to drafts. If the environment is very dry, you may need to spray a little water to humidify the area.

Although the females are more surly than the males, they are usually lively, cheerful and playful birds that adapt well to domestic life. In addition, they stand out for being affectionate and sociable. If you get used to them, they can spend time outside the cage. Of course, you will have to take extreme care so that they do not suffer any type of accident or are at the mercy of some other tenant who, for example, barks or meows.

How to feed lovebirds correctly

In order for your lovebirds to be healthy and strong, you must feed them a balanced diet. The vet will know how to tell you which one is the most appropriate and will help you so that this exotic pet enjoys proper care. Anyway, consider that there are specific mixtures with selected seeds for these birds that you can buy in the market.

In addition, in the feeding of the Lovebirds they can never miss small pieces of fruit and vegetables. We recommend that you try the following:

  • Pears
  • Mazanas
  • Carrots
  • Zucchini
  • Watermelons

Lastly, it is recommended that you introduce a vitamin and mineral supplement into your diet  .

Other recommendations for the care of lovebirds

It never hurts to say that these animals need to always have fresh and clean water on hand.  Likewise, keeping their cage clean and sanitized is a golden rule.

Lovebirds are a genus of exotic birds that usually live in pairs

Since these little birds love to bathe, it is advisable that you have some containers prepared where they can take a good dip from time to time. On the other hand, so that they do not get bored and are entertained, it is good that you leave them a toy whose size and material are appropriate. As their beaks are very strong, it is necessary that you supervise that they cannot break it and ingest it so that they do not choke.

Lastly, if you want them to have chicks, all you need to do is set them free and provide them with a nest where they can lay their eggs and later raise them.

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